Mike Adams: “Trump and RFK Jr. are not the same people they were four years ago.”

And neither are we!

I’ve felt and said all along that Trump needs to apologize for his part in the covid/vaccine rollout, despite that I also heard, all along, that he was forced to create Operation Warp Speed, given that that the lockdown globalists were dreaming of would have lasted for years, and spelled the death knell for our (and the world’s) economy, and thus, our very lives.

Plus . . .

On the other hand:

Remember, back in 2017, when Trump was going to appoint RFK Jr to look into vaccines, and took the advice of Bill Gates instead? What was that about.

Stop World Control offers the most persuasive case I’ve heard of yet, of how Trump did the best he could, under the diabolical circumstances. Though millions of vaxxed people have already died, and/or have already ended up with chronic conditions, by insisting that it be voluntary, he also saved uncounted millions of lives. What especially caught my eye, is that the author, David Sorenson, speaks of the “800 FEMA camps,” which of course, I and others have long wondered about, as specifically built to house (and then eliminate) the unvaccinated. In other words, gather up all those who can still think for themselves, and eliminate them. How convenient!


How Operation Warp Speed Saved America from the FEMA Death Camps


In the above piece, Sorenson says the Deep State now wants us to know that the covid vaccine was not effective; so as to get a lockdown again, this time for far longer . . .


And now the turnaround. Or is it the Trump card?

On August 23, Trump and RFK Jr. joined forces, to create the Unity party.

MAHA. Make America Healthy Again.

RFK can now fulfill his life purpose as a member of the Trump administration. Obviously, this means either that Trump changed his mind about his “great vaccines,” or, that was always one early move in his 5D Art of War chess game. We must admit: the timing of the RFK Jr. announcement (day after DNC) is either uncanny or deliberate.

Brian Cates gives the history.

Mike Adams sums it up.

One thing I will never understand: how Trump, now 79, still gets away with eating and loving fast food. Is he immortal? At the very least, he shouldn’t foist it on  lesser mortals who likely, do not have the same unbelievably strong “constitution.” Plus, only four to five hours of sleep at night. Ye gods.

Will Trump try to take RFK Jr. to a fast food joint?

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Ann Kreilkamp
Ph.D. 81

Rogue philosopher, astrologer, published author, conference presenter, world traveler, founder & editor of Crone Chronicles: A Journal of Conscious Aging (1989-2001) , and founding visionary of Green Acres Permaculture Village (2010 to present).

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annrkreilkamp @ CAN TRUMP BE TRUSTED?
January 22, 2025 at 7:12 pm
January 22, 2025 at 4:19 pm
I’ve been having similar thoughts.…
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