Mining March Memes: YE GODS! WHAT’S REAL?


Still got your money in a bank? (P.S. I’ve heard credit unions, which are structured differently, are safe, for now.)

How many banks will fail this week?

I now here that there are nearly 200 banks at risk, with the ultimate globalist aim to subsume all local and regional banks into six gigantic world-spanning banks, and then roll out the CBDC to control us all. Mercola:

Why Crashing Banks Will Usher in Digital Currency


Clif High however, claims the digital ruse won’t work. That they may be able to get it going at first, but it will ultimately fail, due, I think he said, to technical problems beyond their capacity to solve.


Oops! Fake Fetterman memes . . .

Let’s see . . . Last week’s “Arrest Trump” hoopla didn’t pan out. Will they try to roll it out again? If not, what excuse this week on the increasingly desperate “Get Trump” agenda?

Even as much as I, and millions of others (even some Democrats, I hear, now) realize that Trump has been unfairly targeted, for seven long years, I confess: the rollout of the Covid Con made me wary of Trump. Was and is he complicit in this still ongoing genocidal psy-op? Or did he actually limit the damage from something that was going to happen no matter what he did? (Clif High, among others, thinks so.) As far as I’m concerned, the jury’s out. But remember: “The Business of America is Business”:  Calvin Coolidge. And Trump entered politics through business. Ergo? I doubt it’s that simple. But who knows? Are some of Trump’s investments in Big Pharma? Has anybody checked? Does it matter?

Which reminds me:


Regarding he weird business of whether or not “the virus” “leaked” from the Wuhan lab: My sense is that the current debate is a (successful) misdirection. That we should be fingering the U.S: specifically, Fort Detrick MD.

“Oh, but THAT’S A CONSPIRACY THEORY!!!” I.e., obviously false. Oh?


Okay, time to wind down the F.E.A.R. (False Evidence Appearing Real) factor. Oh, but wait!

Check out this graph. FEAR has to do with the root chakra: survival. Center yourself above that chakra, way above that chakra.


Oh but I can’t! Or even if I can, I get waylaid by something else that keeps me up at night!


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