MONKEY BUSINESS: Notice Exquisite Timing of New Plandemic False Flag . . .

Yep, two days prior to the rollout of the treaty due to gobble up the sovereignty of 194 nations (including the U.S.) into a single global “authority” that decrees not just plandemics, but all measures used to “combat” (,i.e., sponsor, magnify) them — and who knows what else. It does seem that, thanks to the fact that, ever since Descartes, most western humans are still mind/body split, F.E.A.R. (False Evidence Appearing Real) can be used to control them.

Multiple Nations Sign the WHO Pandemic Treaty

Got on twitter early this morning and saw that multiple countries are now saying they’ve just had their first case of monkey pox . . . Can’t remember them now, though I think Portugal was one.

Went on my walk with Puppy Shadow.

Came back to twitter again, and this time, it’s just about all that’s on my feed, and BTW, notice how we are now instantly aware of when the deep state tries to put something over on us. Just like when false flag lone gunman shootings happen. Years ago, we would spent weeks agonizing about what really happened. Now we know, without a doubt, that just about every lone shooter is likely a MK Ultra Manchurian Candidate, triggered to act whenever the deep state wants to gin up hysteria over gun control. The latest perpetrator, in Buffalo NY, was well known to the FBI. Hmmmm . . .

So now we’re on to another type of false flag. Yep, big time spreading, shedding dis-ease, guaranteed to trigger those whose minds hover ill at ease within their own bodies, despite Big Pharma and/or illegal drugs, plus alcohol, sex addiction, addiction to hate, etc. — all furtive, futile attempts to ease either overwhelming anxiety (fear of the future) or depression (denial of the past).

Here’s some tweets that popped up on twitter during the last hour. Notice the savvy, notice the humor (our ultimate weapon), and notice that Bolsinaro did not sign up to have Brazil’s sovereignty destroyed.

This morning, on his substack, Bio-Clandestine supplied what might be a crucial backstory to this monkey business.



4 thoughts on “MONKEY BUSINESS: Notice Exquisite Timing of New Plandemic False Flag . . .

  1. Right on, Brazil. Please God, do not let Ecuador sign. We have worked so quickly to stop this. It is maddening, Ann. I have no idea WHAT to do about the USA. I have been in shock for over 2 years as to one wave of liberties after another are wooshed away. Our group down here keeps fighting back. We now have the Indigenous on board as of yesterday. They are joining together and rising up against this governmental and WHO take over of all of our human constitutional rights down here. It is getting very ugly as the DS pushes ahead really hard before we gain too much ground and retain our sovereignty. Pins and needles down here. Janet

  2. How convenient is this timing just on the heels of release of verifiable information related to western-world sponsored incredibly murky ‘monkey-business’ in ‘The Ukraine’?

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