More Memorable Memesense


Memes help us shift from discursive to wholistic thinking, by combining images with or without words in ways that signal sense and nonsense to “those in the know” and to “those who are puzzled, but want to be in the know,” rather than just spewing words into arguments. Moreover, memes do so in a way that either completely bypasses those not “in the know” or makes opponents throw up their hands in dismay or disgust, again, bypassing argument.

So, with this meme.

Who wouldda thunk you could put Greta together with fat women and gender confused people and make memesense?

One meme, covers lots of ground, when you flash the sanctimonious word SCIENCE.


How about this one? Not as global in scope — or is it?


It looks like this meme just refers to U.S. election fraud, but of course, governments, and corporations, and entertainment, and those who aspire to get their “identities” and moolah through them, are everywhere corrupted. To go up these ladders, what’s harvested is your conscience, your soul. See ex-banker Ronald Bernard testimony. We the People, at every level, are being harvested spiritually; also mentally and emotionally, via endless propaganda; and yes, physically. It’s not just the gender surgeries. Not just the poisonous jabs.

Eight million children disappear, are harvested, every single year.

Here’s a new one, to me:

Interesting detail: ramp up of lucrative organ harvesting from Ukraine to Turkey coincides with NATO’s so-called “counteroffensive,” harvesting thousands upon thousands of soldiers’ bodies.

Or how about this?

Major hotels with trafficking tunnels.

Since, SOF came out, a bit more than one month ago, a seemingly endless gunk of unbelievable corruption is disgorging,  from the bowels of humanity, and there’s no going back.

And no going forward either? YEEK!

Oh, to hell with this bullshit.

Never thought I would align with Descartes, but here we are . . .

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