Forgive me, but I can’t help but bat away reports of a sunken barge carrying toxic chemicals in the Ohio River; nor can I help but temporarily ignore the most recent train derailment, in Minnesota, carrying ethanol and forcing evacuations; or any other of the various reports of massive environmental toxification. Nope. nor anything about wars and rumors of wars; or cascading bank failures, or global de-dollarization . . . All I can do is follow my nose, which, still, unfortunately, points me in the direction of the latest (seemingly?) horrific distraction that I posted on yesterday. Why? Because more seeming “news” has come out since then.
Chief among them, the apparent switch in shoes worn by the trans assailant. HUH?
Last night I watched the police body cam released yesterday.
Officer Englebert and two others opened doors and stalked warily through classroom after classroom, on both floors of the Covenant school, and here’s the weirdness: nothing was disturbed. The school looked like it was spiffed up for an official showing to prospective parents. Where’s the mess, the sprayed blood? The bodies?
One body at the end of the clip, of which we got but a brief glance, enough to see the shoe above, that of the shooter(?), gunned down apparently (we didn’t see that part, though we heard gunfire) in an again, otherwise undisturbed common area.
Okay, so did this latest false flag really happen? And: does it matter if it did or did not?
The deed was done. The mental/emotional deed, that is, to instill yet more F.E.A.R. (False Evidence Appearing Real) in the general populace, especially in our innocent children who thanks to masks, lockdowns, and school shootings, are growing up with off-the-charts PTSD, and thus, without healing, will be easy to manipulate into following orders.
After I had posted yesterday, a friend of mine sent me this comment, and yes, of course, she’s absolutely right.
Also worth noting: the mood swings from messing with hormones. Estrogen levels, testosterone levels. Depression, anger, aggression … they are CREATING even more unbalanced people by messing with these things, which dramatically affect mood. Some people get psychotic around the time of their periods. That’s hormones. Even beyond the mind control, there are obvious triggers for exacerbating existing imbalances….
Which reminds me:
Yesterday, puppy Shadow and I, out for our usual morning walk, were waiting for a young friend of mine to come out with his coffee from a nearby coffee shop. So, as usual, I decided to greet the young folks standing around (waiting for the bus, I later realized). This group was one of those I sense as “sketchy.” Who knows what they’re up to? Probably no good. But that didn’t stop me.
Two of them, apparently a male/female couple, were immediately friendly, bending down for puppy Shadow. But the others? A heavy-set woman, sitting down and aggressively singing snappy tunes she brought up on her phone, looked over at us with obvious disdain. The others, all men, tried not to engage, deferring, it felt like to me, to the sitting woman’s attitude. All except for one of them, who stared at us with curiosity. As if asking himself: who are these two; am I really supposed to hate them?
When Dan came out from the coffee shop I told him my impressions of the group (who had by then left on the bus). He said he had watched the entire encounter and had the same impressions. Which made me realize that Dan was guarding me the whole time.
I bring up this incident because the name of the Nashville Christian school was “Covenant.” Synonyms and antonyms give the flavor of this word.
It appears to me that the group at the coffee shop had a prior covenant to hate me (or what I stand for in their minds) Going up to them disturbed their mental fixation. Which was exactly my intent.
More on the Covenant shooter:
So, what drugs was she on? Hormones?
Had she been indoctrinated by the ongoing woke charade to think she had dominion over her biology? Check out Tucker Carlson on this phenomenon.
The ongoing trans phenomenon is part and parcel of the transhumanist agenda as outlined by Klaus Schwab advisor Yuval Harari. God is not only dead, he has been replaced by humans, who turn into gods.
If it’s true that fully 5% of young adults under 30 now “identify” as trans, that’s a significant number. And if they are being groomed to think that they are superior, and special (see my post on narcissistic trans), and must be catered to, at least in bowing to their desired pronouns; and if, beyond that, they see their cause as so sacred (remember, they are gods) that their superiority must be enforced with violence, well then, where does that leave us? It looks to me like the “sleeper cells” some of us have known about may, at least in part, consist of young trans folks who, deranged by both ideological indoctrination and hormonal skewing, may be literally impossible to form a covenant with. At least until more of them begin to publically dis-identify with their trans state.
All the above, in short:
Tom Fitton, of Judicial Watch:
Two responses to Tom, both relevant:
One more, again from Tom Fitton re: CRT and U.S. ruination
Finally, this, to me, sums it up.
Yes. But first, we have to get through April Fools Day. I notice that twitter is removing all references to this vengeance event. (Quite frankly, I’m glad.)
Wear a mask, huh? Not to protect against covid, but to hide your face.
BTW: Clif High notes that there’s no such thing as “trans genocide,” since trans is not biological, not gene-based.
Yes, it’s (merely) a toxic, apparently intoxicating, ideological “identification” that, let us consciously intend, is to be culturally cancelled ASAP!