NERVOUS SYSTEM: From running scared to running sacred! Moment by moment . . .


This is a huge day astrologically. Don’t have time to discuss it here; just know that it affects both me and my son Colin’s natal charts enormously, with volatile T-cross in mutable signs signalling the apex day of a massive surge/breakdown or through, for both our nervous systems.

Plus, full moon in Aquarius. Colin’s sun sign, and sits right on top of my karmic south node (representing the past), across from my north node conjunct wounded healer Chiron.

Older son Sean, who flew in from Boulder Colorado yesterday, and I are at home, waiting with baited breath for news of paralyzed, nerve-damaged Colin Cudmore who has been taken to Indy for surgery to remove a smallish abdominal aneurysm. This should be precise procedure, not involving cutting, rather threading an instrument into an artery. But, should anything go wrong, they said they wanted to have in place a team that could work with any difficulty; which is why they postponed the event from very early August until now, three days past the first anniversary of the day both ascending and descending sections of his aorta dissected (delaminated). The original catastrophe, which should have killed him, and the two surgeries that followed, left him perilously close to dying for weeks, but then he stabilized, was moved to a nursing home 20 minutes from here, and has been gaining ground ever since, now rolling around the facility and the neighborhood in a wheelchair, helping other patients, and busy designing in his inventive mind a new, modular wheelchair with all the bells and whistles chair-bound people like him will appreciate.

He told Sean he would text him about whether he wanted him to be with him in Indy afterwards. No word so far.

Meanwhile, I’m trying to take my mind of it, busy taking notes for a post that I want to put up specifying the many times, through the decades, I have been utterly mistaken about my interpretation of what is going on in world events. A humble pie post.


BTW: yesterday, busy throwing a ball for new puppy Scampi, who likewise has an electrified nervous system, a turkey vulture flew noisily out of a nearby tree and landed in the next tree over.  A minute or two later, he flew back to the original tree. I have never before seen a turkey vulture in Green Acres Neighborhood. Instantly, one impression shot through: DEATH.

Wouldn’t you know, just as my nervous system was ramping up, and focusing on Colin, this happens?!? Yes, freaked me out. I tried to go on playing ball but soon gave up. Went back home and looked up symbolism for Turkey Vulture.

After reading through it, my conclusion: pay no attention to what’s going on inside your mind right now. Remember to float inside the larger awareness that holds all possible outcomes, “good” and “bad” as merely steps in an astonishingly mysterious and miraculous drama.

Let go, Ann, of your mind. Discernment is key.


[11:57 AM. Colin just called. Phone went dead. Called back. Then said he would call me right back . . .

He did. Had just awakened from a long nap. Groggy.

Turns out the hospital said they would call us but did not.

It’s done. At 8: AM. “Dr. Gupta says it went very well.”

He’s there overnight. Told Sean not to bother coming to Indy. Just wait to see him here tomorrow.]




But I still need to pay attention to the transformative significance of turkey vulture, because how many times in my life have I allowed paranoid visions to dominate?

The Spiritual Significance of Turkey Vultures: Unveiling the Meaning of Large Birds

Turns out that one of the important facts about turkey vultures is their unusually keen sense of smell, which allows them to sniff out dead bodies to devour. They also seem to know when people are in trouble, worried about survival. Witness those that hovered, circling slowly, above the Grand Canyon walls as a group of us headed down river, during spring runoff 1990, in rafts.

Just yesterday I remarked to someone that Scampi has a sense of smell so acute that, from two yards away, he knows when the dogs next door come outside, and runs to the fence, so they can all bark like crazy, up and down, up and down, having fun.






Ann Kreilkamp
Ph.D. 81

Rogue philosopher, astrologer, published author, conference presenter, world traveler, founder & editor of Crone Chronicles: A Journal of Conscious Aging (1989-2001) , and founding visionary of Green Acres Permaculture Village (2010 to present).

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