New Dark Light on East Palestine?

The following article may throw an even darker light on the East Palestine train derailing disaster. Claiming to know where the train originated, and speculating as to it destination, plus noting that the chemical laden cars were on the back end of the train for easy decoupling (true?), and claiming that the spotlighted chemical was not vinyl chloride but something else, something even worse . . . it’s no wonder Buy-den didn’t want to visit, and in fact, stumbled over to Ukraine instead.


Chemical Weaponry Destined for Ukraine Ignited

in East Palestine Train Wreck

by Yoichi Shimatsu



It begins:

“In a recent radio conversation, Jeff Rense and I discussed some of the inexplicable anomalies related to the night-time train derailment of chemical-laden tankers at East Palestine, Ohio, which left a slew of questions but very few clear answers. Following the Rense program, I contacted an acquaintance in eastern Ohio, “K.T.”, who fortunately was tracking the local news and independent citizens’ reports online. K.T. disclosed the many inconsistencies in the official cover-up by the Norfolk Southern rail company, the Ohio governor’s office and the EPA, indicators of a panicked cover-up ordered by Governor Mike DeWine, a Republican, under pressure from the Democrat-led EPA and the Biden White House.

“The bipartisan shunning of the fears of regional residents, along with the heavy-handed mainstream media cover-up, indicated that the train derailment involves a national security issue and official secrets. This analytical article, aided by citizen reporting from the Ohio-Penn border region, exposes in detail the reasons for an illegal unregistered nighttime shipment of chemical weapons precursors as the cause of the near-explosive overheating of tanker cars and the use of an elongated burn pit from whence that ominous column of black smoke arose from the toxic flames.

The Chemistry of Disaster

“In this chemistry-based analysis, the findings on the ground suppressed under orders from higher-ups, are examined for the most telling incontrovertible evidence: the chemistry regarding the liquid cargo of the five suspect tanker cars, the contents of which were set afire under government orders in a hastily dug trench. Contrary to official denials and disinformation about their chemical content, the actual payload was disclosed by the EPA detection of phosgene in that black cloud over East Palestine. Phosgene was infamously used for chlorine warfare aka “mustard gas” in France and Belgium during the First World War. Since it is not a byproduct of vinyl chloride (which contains only one chloride molecule, the actual precursor inside those tankers was a more dangerous chemical bonded with double the amount of chloride, just like phosgene.

“The questions hereby raised are: Why were five tanker cars filled with a volatile chemical weapon precursor being transported toward the Eastern seaboard? What was the final destination of this chemical payload? Was the chemical cargo to be deployed for military use during warfare in blatant violation of the international treaty banning chemical weapons? Which battle zone was targeted for the massive chemical warfare attack?

“The use of chemical weapons is a gross contravention of international law, a crime against humanity. The principle suspects in this genocide case are President Joe Biden, VP Kamala Harris, Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin, CIA chief William Burns and their underlings security advisor Jake Sullivan, Transport secretary Pete Buttigieg, EPA chief Michael Regan and other lackeys of the warmongering regime.”


And it ends:

“As postulated in relativity theory, one is either aboard the moving train or otherwise on some distant hill picking up a faint perception of its existence in passing. The rider inside a passenger cabin has the immediate experience of movement, whereas the distant observer identifies the train’s passing only in relation to the larger environment, the Cumberland Gap or an East Palestine. This same rule of distance affects how one makes sense of the train crash at a small town in eastern Ohio, near the state line with Pennsylvania. There is no way to palpably relive or recall that night of the crash, yet nevertheless it is possible for a distant observer to perceive aspects of that event within the coordinates of a larger context of the surrounding space, here meaning the political and economic-geography along the train’s tanker cars’ planned route from its starting point to the secret destination before shipment to Ukraine. Unlike uncertainty factors regarding a comet at vast distance in outer space, our perception is aided by the fact that a train travels with certainty on a specific steel track, at least until it’s derailed, which at least points in the direction toward the planed next leg of its grim journey of mass murder.

“There were no human observers at the East Palestine crash at 8:55 p.m. on Friday, February 3, the only “witness” being a security camera at a trackside home, which recorded what appears to be a malfunctioning wheel of a box car closer than farther behind the locomotive. Once again, the false god of technology has turned on humankind, by clever exploitation of weaknesses. My opinion is that, for political reasons behind a cover-up, the “Environmental Protection” Agency is treating local residents like the human guinea pigs as done by TEPCO at the Fukushima reactor site, “to study the effects of chlorine poisoning on human subjects.”

“Yes, let’s closely observe, for the advancement of science, what chemicals and radioactivity do to the human body and mind. This obnoxious bureaucratic attitude must be opposed, crushed and thereby discouraged, and so I encourage neighboring communities to demand total clean-up of their town(s) of hazardous trace materials or, failing that, organize permanent evacuation of East Palestine residents to the safety of affordable public-subsidized new homes away from the accidental gas-warfare site. Meanwhile, sue the hell out of the corporate crooks and their politician co-conspirators. Good Luck and May God Bless the People of East Palestine! And also its namesake land of Palestine.”





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Ann Kreilkamp
Ph.D. 81

Rogue philosopher, astrologer, published author, conference presenter, world traveler, founder & editor of Crone Chronicles: A Journal of Conscious Aging (1989-2001) , and founding visionary of Green Acres Permaculture Village (2010 to present).

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