New Moon in Sagittarius Today! Plus Jupiter turns to go Direct! YES


Why am I excited about this turn in astrological affairs? For three reasons: the first two have to do with Sagittarius, and the third with Jupiter (which BTW, happens to rule Sagittarius)!

1) It’s always a relief when we move annually from dark, turgid, richly composting Scorpio to bright, perspective throwing, philosophical Sagittarius. Or at least that’s the plan! Every sign has the capacity to correct the excesses of the sign before it. Too much Scorpio muck, and we’re subject to depression, stuckness; Sagittarius arrives, on an annual basis, to begin to throw light on whatever dark stuff below has been pulling us down.

2) And this year, the Sun’s entrance into Sagittarius happens to coincide with the New Moon, at 1°36 Sagittarius!

Sabian symbol for 2° Sag (always read for next whole degree):


Keynote: The mobilization of unconscious energies under the pressure of superpersonal motives. 

In other words, the horrific ongoing revelations (apocalypse: “the revealing”) of ghastly stuff re: financial fraud, pedophilia/adrenochrome/SRA, the murderous covid jabs etc., long buried in all but the alternative news, have actually begun to hit the mainstream. The cascading Black Swan FTX debacle; election and other fraud; pedophilia and worse among “top” players in political, academic, entertainment, business world; genocidal jabs, now demonstrated in the excellently produced, just released one hour film “Died Suddenly” — are all revelatory of the rot that has been running this so-called civilization for decades, even centuries, millennia — yes, all this, hard to stomach, in fact, impossible to digest for some, the less resilient normies who continue to insist on remaining “innocent” of knowing about them: all these ongoing coruption-riddled scandals have rocked the foundations of our cultural world like never before.

Here’s the chart for the New Moon, which clicks in at 5:57 pm EST today:

Notice that for Washington D.C., for which I cast this chart, Mars Rx at 21°23 Gemini, which almost exactly squares Neptune at 22°40 Pisces, also happens to exactly conjunct the 21°03 Ascendant. In other words, the ongoing confusion, which especially has attended the post-election “results,” — oh yeah, and then there’s the accelerating strangeness in and about Ukraine — not only continues, but draws to a head (the exact square), as Mars, proceeding backwards, has been hitting the exact square at 22° over the past few days while Arizona counties, one by one, refuse to certify the election.

That Mars conjuncts the Ascendant at this New Moon, indicates to me that this new lunar cycle will likely see the election (and other: always the question, who to believe about what?) confusion discussed at length at every level of society. (Or not: can you imagine Thanksgiving dinner with lots of close relatives? I can’t. Too many topics would be “off limits.”)

Now, let’s check out the third reason for my exuberant mood, namely, the Jupiter stationary position, which occurred, again for Washington D.C., at 6:02 AM EST today, almost exactly 12 hours earlier than the New Moon.

(Full disclosure: I’m a double Sagittarius (Sun and Ascendant) myself, plus my natal Mars sits at 2°42 Sagittarius (opposite Uranus), right on this New Moon. Exuberance, optimism, expanding perspectives is the name of the game for this hopefully evolving Sagittarius. So forgive me if my analysis appears somewhat over the top.)

Notice that Jupiter turned to go direct when the Moon, then still in Scorpio, at 24°, was within reach of the 18° 41 Scorpio Ascendant — AND that Uranus, at 16°20 Taurus, was almost exactly opposite, conjuncting the Descendant. The hours leading up to the Moon’s entrance into Sag and and its conjunction with the Sun, are particularly fraught with insecurity for anyone and any organization, government, etc. that has relied on the stability of our fast eroding, inflating, corruption-riddled fiat financial system. And who of us has NOT relied on it?

More so than usual, the invisible emotional and spiritual currents (Jupiter/Neptune in Pisces) that run this world from underneath/above are up for reflection and discussion (Mars in Gemini) and being felt consciously (Mars square both Jupiter and Neptune in oceanic, end-of-cycle Pisces) by a greater and greater proportion of the global population.

Okay, let’s say it again in a different way: generous, lucky Jupiter (which rules Sagittarius, and is co-ruler of Neptune-ruled Pisces), which turned at 28°47 Pisces at 6:02 AM this morning, 12 hours prior to New Moon, provides an exuberant, expansive overlay to the embedded, complex, Scorpio muck, the many layers of which, by being revealed so massively, by having been oh so gradually, and then more and more rapidly, exposed to the light of day, is withering, its power about gone.

Sabian symbol for Jupiter at 29° Pisces”


Keynote: The analytical power of the mind necessary for the formulation of life processes in their many aspects.

I do think that at least for this cycle through Sagittarius, the dark Scorpio gloom is being dispelled by the power of the mind (Mars in mental Gemini, Sun/Moon in philosophical Sagittarius) as Jupiter turns to go direct.

BTW: Jupiter, which moves at the rate of one sign per year, due to its retrograde periods, sometime overlaps one sign with another. This happened back in May of 2022, when Jupiter entered fiery, impulsive, get-up-and-go Aries from confusing, addictive, wishy-washy, stoned, sloshing, dreamy to deception-filled Pisces. Then it turned, to go Rx in late July, re-entering late Pisces in late October. Whatever new initiatives were begun in May, when Jupiter started to move through Aries, likely got stalled until we slog through the rest of the Piscean mess.

Jupiter next enters Aries on December 21st, Winter Solstice, which, for ancient peoples — and for us, when we tune in to Nature — is the holiest day of the year.

From then on, Jupiter will have a shorter than usual run through that sign of new beginnings until mid-May 2023, when Jupiter enters Taurus and the rubber has to hit the road. Whatever measures are actually ignited, during the Aries phase, must begin to root in for the long haul.

I presume this set of shifts at least applies to new initiatives in the rapidly failing fiat financial systems that have run the so-called “civilized” world for way too long.

As well, Mars in Taurus likely applies to de-centralizing efforts, world-wide, as we focus on the very ground under our feet, in our own localities, rather than reliance on larger systems, or on so called heroes elsewhere, for soul-utions.

For a more personal look at this New Moon/Jupiter Direct day, see Laura Bruno, who does her usual fantastic job. 


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