New Puppy!


Note: see posts on my recently deceased “puppy Shadow.”



Of course I’ve been surfing the internet looking at small dogs for rescue in Indiana. So interesting to realize that most dogs at rescue centers seem to be pit bull mixes. Way too big for me. On the other hand, Shadow might have been too small, since I had to lift him into the car, onto my bed, or a couch, etc. Short legs, heavy body, comfort seeking, security and food oriented, sensual, my little Taurus Shadow!

I wondered, what kind of dog would I get next. Because after 15 years now, the first two years with Emma (full name: Emma Joy Princess, Guardian of the Present Moment), the next 13 with Shadow (Curious George, the Silver Shadow: Super Dog!), I know that my life is better, fuller, more complete, when I share it with a companion dog. Even so, throughout these weeks without dear Shadow, missing him and treasuring his memory, I’ve been, yes, surfing the internet.

“Oh wait, Ann. Not yet! Not yet! . . .”

Well, wouldn’t you know: two days ago, I came upon a dog named “Scrappy.” Horrible name, I thought, instantly. But the photo of him riveted me. Geez! Looks just like Shadow! Is he the shadow of my Shadow? (Thanks, Babette for noticing that mirroring!) Would I want a dog that looks like Shadow, even though he undoubtedly won’t act like Shadow; that the difference between them would be very discernable. Geez! But WHAT if the new dog is a clone, or a double, or Shadow reborn? (You can see I’ve been spending way too much time going down various internet rabbit holes . . .) I couldn’t stand that. It would repel me.

As I texted to Sam, his owner, “I’m going to either fall in love or freak out when I meet him.”

Sam was great about it. “No worries. I just want everybody to be happy.”

Okay. Let’s meet this dog. Take Marita with me. Who knows! He might be perfect!

So the next day, yesterday, at 5 PM, Marita and I drove to Bryan Park to meet Sam, his young daughter, and Scrappy.

And you know what? Except for his grey coloration, he doesn’t look or act a bit like Shadow!

If Shadow was a Taurus, then Scrappy feels like a combination Pisces/Aries to me. Very sensitive, subtle, but full of adventure, obviously needing much more exercise than Sam, who is gone all day and has been wanting to give little Scrappy a better life for quite a while now, but very careful as to who he places him with.

Also, I’ve discovered since bringing him home, he’s not nearly as food- or treat-oriented as Shadow.

So yes, apparently, at first glance, I was primed internally to love Scrappy, despite his terrible name. Asked Sam, if I could have him “provisionally.” Just in case. “Sure. No problem. I’m in no hurry to get rid of him, just know that he would be happier with a fenced yard he could run in and a lot more walking.”

Scrappy, built like a little fox, longer legs and smaller body than Shadow, hopped in the car, obviously thrilled at the new adventure. When we got home we looked for the crate that Shadow had used in the beginning, since Scrappy is crate-trained. Couldn’t find. Found another one, but not big enough. Texted Sam: “Might you bring over his crate, this evening?” Well, within five minutes, there he was, with his daughter, who had cried in the park, but was now carrying a bone for Scrappy, smiling. Crate installed, we headed outside, so Scrappy could show them that he had landed in paradise. He pranced us through the back yard, the front yard, the side yards, the gardens, on and on. All of it fenced. Kona, Colin’s dog, came out to greet Scrappy, take his measure, show him hidden treasures . . .

Sam’s daughter knows she’s welcome any time.

Last night, I bet Scrappy jumped up and down off my very high bed 40 times before finally settling down . . .

Part of the problem was Tiger kitty, who kept wanting in and out of the room, and still very leery of this new dog that wants, in the worst way, to get to know Tiger!

This morning, when I was about to take him on the first long walk of his five-year-old life, he knew it. I swear, he knew it. Had psychically picked up on what we were going to do that he had never done before. Got wildly excited as I was putting on my shoes. Whew!

I walked 4 miles, he pranced and and ran 40 miles, always ahead of me, scattering back and forth on the long retractable leash. On the way home, about a half mile away, he knew which way to go at every corner in order to get back here. How did he know that, when he had never before done it?

On the walk I discovered Scrappy’s full name: FOXY SCRAPPY PRANCER IN PARADISE.

P.S. I’ve got to ask Marita to hold him while I get some of that hair cut back from his eyes. Since he’s obviously scrappy anyhow, I wonder if we could just “groom” him here, rather than paying $80 every two months.

And yes, in this photo, Scrappy does remind me very much of dear sweet puppy Shadow!

Thanks, Shadow, for passing on the torch.

Ann Kreilkamp
Ph.D. 81

Rogue philosopher, astrologer, published author, conference presenter, world traveler, founder & editor of Crone Chronicles: A Journal of Conscious Aging (1989-2001) , and founding visionary of Green Acres Permaculture Village (2010 to present).

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