Let’s see. I remember another recent one: something about making the bed, or changing the sheets on the bed . . .

Who knew that gardening, working with the soil, increased the risk of heart disease? Zowee! So scared!

So yeah, gaslighting, plus more fear-mongering. It worked before. Will it work again?

What percentage of those who used to be scared, and so obediently took the jab, and then lived to regret it, are now actually awake?

I keep seeing posts that refer to us purebloods as courageous, amazing, etc. Geez, it’s common sense! Unfortunately, common sense, actually sensing in common, is in short supply in a world continuously dividing into itsy bitsy fragments, so that individual “identity” (some kind of label, picked up from others, and then applied to one’s own self, as if this will guarantee existence) trumps what we all have in common as human beings.

Homo sapiens: “man, the wise.” Huh?

2 thoughts on “NOT THE VAX! NOT THE VAX!

  1. Thanks for this. I have been collecting articles headlines just as he has. He has several that I do not. I can’t find confirmation about the bed sheets but I did hear something awhile back. Still looking for that, and ‘Christmas trees’ were mentioned a couple of times. Wish I’d collected links to the articles but I only copy pasted the headline. What headlines I have collected so far….

    artificial sweeteners
    climate change (yawn)
    New, highly reactive chemical in earth atmosphere
    violent scary video games
    herbal supplements
    high energy bills (possibly true;)
    solar storms
    hot nights sleeping
    extreme heat
    sleeping positions
    cold showers
    sitting over 8 hours
    car fumes/brake dust

    also saw a warning from European Medicines Agency EMA that Boehringer Ingleheim drugs metalyse, and actilyse (used to counter heart attack) are in short supply due to high demand

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