I am a child of World War II, one who suddenly woke up on August 7th at two years and nine months old, upon hearing “the news” on the radio re: HIroshima. This child of World War II, from that moment on, while pretending to run and play on the outside, lived in total, abject, unremitting terror on the inside: that the world would end in my lifetime, and that it would be my job to save it. I was Chicken Little, and the sky would fall in, unless I personally made sure it did not.

A child’s magical thinking. Placing the “weight of the world” on very small shoulders.

But of course I couldn’t talk about it.

How many in my generation were like me? Totally traumatized via, not so much parental neglect or abuse, but by an inner (imaginary?) nightmarish view of the whole world suddenly erupting in fire?

I’ve said this before, many times, but let me say it again: it was not until my early ’50s, when I encountered the goddess Sekhmet —


— in a tiny temple at Karnak in Egypt, and a voice out of nowhere thundered:



Presto. I was healed. The burden of “nuclear war” was not mine to bear.

On the other hand, I live here now (I should say still, despite everything), and am very aware of how the nightmarish fear of “nuclear war” is the biggest trigger of all — except, perhaps  a predicted collision with a comet large enough to also suddenly cause the whole world to burn — and has been, ever since Hiroshima. Most of the population seems asleep, or maybe we should say that most of the population, long ago, numbed themselves to this forever possible future. And perhaps that numbing is in part what underlies the widespread craven need to get and stay addicted to substances and other forms of escape, whether they be drugs (legal or illegal) or alcohol or cigarettes, or screens, data . . .   .

Now that Putin has placed us on the precipice, we are once again (remember the “Cuban Missile Crisis”?) on the brink oof what appears to be certain death, on a mass scale, even larger than what the covid “vaccine” appears to be causing.

(See, for example: “Ultimate Video on People Suddenly Dropping Dead”)

I very much appreciate Burning Bright’s substack perspective, his reasoning that trauma must be used to ignite mass Great Awakening, and that the immediate threat of nuclear war is the most obvious trauma trigger to wake up the global population. I think he’s right, and I’d say that even (real or back-engineered, or holographic) “ETs landing on the White House lawn” would not quite do the trick to stimulate a sudden mass awakening which, when the threat is removed, he argues, and I agree, would shift the entire world into relief, a new appreciation for simply being alive, all of us, as one. Thus, we achieve the long desired unity, below the mind, and its currently horrifically polarized beliefs. Instead: instinctive, at one with all.


Burning Bright: SCARE EVENT



Or it would, I should say, move into unity those who are still afraid to die. I haven’t feared death for some time now; so not just the covid scam, but not even this new nuclear precipice can trigger me.

And when we move beyond fear of our own personal “death,” when we cease to get triggered by real or prophesized 3D events, when we find ourselves in 5D (and beyond), observing, in a detached manner, all that is going on down below, with curiosity and compassion, and a continuous desire to serve, simply serve, whatever is at hand, whatever is ours to do . . . then the Great Awakening will have already occurred within. No external triggers needed. Grateful.




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