Note: Please read both Monday’s and Tuesday’s posts first!
I’d like to think that Trump’s ego (the part of us formed since birth that separates inside from outside, associated with the left brain), otherwise known as the personality, IS in league with Trump’s inner self, his essence, that intuitive part of him (right brain, connected to the heart and to infinite Mystery); in other words, that the ego operates in the material world at the direction of the inner self, but maybe not. In which case, his narcissism may indeed be toxic.
I heard somewhere that one of his own sons, Don Jr., says that his father cannot admit mistakes. I remember how that supposed remark raised my eyebrows. But though today I tried, and failed, to find an unambiguous source for this, if it is true that his own son thinks so, then it may likely be so. So, while the father changes and grows through experience — that’s obvious, comparing the more obviously egocentric Trump of his first term and the mostly, or at least seemingly, inner directed, deeply serious Trump of his second term — even so, he does appear to have this tragic flaw, this achilles heel.
As much as I want to admire Trump, I was reminded this morning, via the following, extremely detailed account of the years of the covid con — of this apparent achilles heel; one that I remembered being extremely puzzled by, and wanting, but failing, to ignore — all during that ghastly era that began, in earnest, five years ago yesterday.
Check it out. Trump figures strongly, along with many others.
Covid Response at Five Years: The Quiet Coup
Oh, I know, I know. “Trump did the best he could, given the situation. Prevented a ten-year lockdown, which would have killed society completely.” See, for example, this film: Operation Warp Speed: Stopped the FEMA Camps.
I want to believe it. But do I?
I’m reminded: please Ann, let go of attempting to fully understand anything. Because, there’s always a widening context, no matter how large your point of view. Also, forget trying to decide whether another sovereign soul is good or evil. Who am I to judge?
Let go. LET GO.
And remember: