PLEASE PAY ATTENTION! Jennifer Bilek: on how transgender was suddenly inserted into society


I cannot stress enough how crucial I think this woman’s work is. As she puts it, on her blog, the 11th hour:

Here a few excerpts from a current interview that she reposted on her substack, in case you want to get your mind blown to smithereens. I was the one to place some of the phrases and sentences in bold.

How a handful of billionaires created the transgender “movement”

“The cultural shifts we see today regarding gender identity are largely influenced by huge capital inflows from governments, philanthropists, corporations, and investment management and accounting firms like Blackrock and Ernst & Young. While some believe that the ideology originated in universities, funding is directed to these institutions to promote the idea of synthetic sex identities as progressive, which students then carry into the world.”

“To comprehend the motivations of governments, philanthropists, and big business in this ideology, we must examine its implications. Gender ideology deconstructs human reproductive sex legally, linguistically, socially, and is also attacking mostly young people’s reproductive organs by sterilizing them. It is marketing disassociation from sexed reality presented as progressive, which is especially confusing to young people in using their naturally rebellious youthfulness as a corporate trap.”

Both the money and the ideology come out of the medical-tech sector, which is itself being integrated into culture through a philanthropic structure that has been attached to the LGBT civil rights political apparatus.

“The tech and medical industries thrive, like all industries, in creating and compartmentalizing new products, a trend seen in the LGBT civil rights movement, which was originally a grassroots movement that became corporatized during the AIDS crisis in the ’80s. American transsexualism, rooted in the medical establishment, dates to the 1950s, with the medical assault on reproductive organs. The LGBT community transformed into a profitable investment and marketing constituency after the AIDS crisis. The addition of transsexualism, rebranded as ‘transgender’ for marketing purposes, introduces a new perspective on sexual identities, further normalizing the detachment of humanity from its foundational roots in sexual reproduction.”

“The primary catalysts driving the gender industry are rooted in technological developments entwined with an unfettered market. Medical-sex identities, along with technological reproduction, are at the forefront of attempts to advance our species beyond our current human borders. The strategic linking of an agenda aimed at deconstructing reproductive sex with a civil rights movement centered on same-sex attraction was pure genius—a metaphorical fox in the henhouse, but dressed as a hen.”


Having myself been an unwitting member of the generation caught up in an earlier precursor “movement” within the same long-term agenda of transmogrifying  the biological human into a mechanical robot, namely the “feminism’ of the Gloria Steinem era which insidiously atomized society by igniting the still ongoing destruction of the nuclear family unit, I’m quite familiar with how even the brightest and bravest among us can be mind-controlled to (foolishly) think we are “free to be me.”

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