Pluto in Aquarius: FREE FALL! (Will we learn to fly?)


I was going to post a video from Greg Reese re: the origin and function of the banking system, currently undergoing slow-rolling de-materialization as I write this. And I guess I still will, despite that, of course, it’s an obvious bummer!


Do watch the above. Only five minutes. Reese knows how to speak precisely and to the point.

I decided to go ahead and post the above because I came across two items of interest this morning that, to me, surpass even the banking collapse in terms of how we are now being exposed to what was formerly hidden, and thus kept us enslaved in the material realm.

First one: I had heard rumors about the Dalai Lama’s connection to the CIA over the years, but of course, didn’t want to take the rumors seriously. But now, Caitlin Johnstone has thrown me (my previous mental/spiritual(?) scaffolding) over a very high cliff.

We are in free fall, folks.

The Dalai Lama Is A Creepy Asshole

BTW: I just noticed that the “tongue” incident is now in the New York Post, with an official apology.

Speaking of free fall: it occurs to me that the chief difference between Pluto in Capricorn and Pluto in Aquarius is this: the former is concerned with MATTER, and the latter with ENERGY.

In free fall, we have to let go of our focus on the material realm. Will we learn to fly?

Better: will we learn to fly as some species of birds do, in flocks, of one mind? We learned how to drive our cars in the material realm that way — like mad! — close together, inside steel skins, passing one another, slowing and speeding up together along winding five lane freeways. The only reason we don’t have way more accidents (despite our unspoken agreement to follow the rules of the road) is because we ARE in communion with one another, without even knowing it!

So. Will we learn to fly together, with Pluto in Aquarius? Consciously? Cooperatively? Gifting each other, like nature does it, so that all waste from one being is food for another? Some bird flocks flow in roughly triangular formation, led by a single bird, who both leads and breaks wind for the others, before rotating back, exhausted; thus does each one set the direction, taking the lead, one after another. Will we learn to do what some birds naturally do? I think so. Though it will take time to learn this new way of energy, possibly years.

We’ve got years. Pluto won’t leave Aquarius until 2044.

Will someone like me, already 80 years old, live to see/be the shift?

Hmmm . . . Maybe so.

Here’s the second item: a video that held me spellbound, all the way through. Jay Weidner has a way of speaking of “light body” that I’ve never come across before. Achieving the Light Body, transforming matter into energy: PLUTO IN AQUARIUS.

What Jesus did, according to Weidner, was demonstrate, with his “resurrection,” his own light body activation! And, says Weidner, light body activation must be preceded by inhabiting/expressing the frequency of love, compassion, as Jesus also demonstrated. Again, according to Weidner, the Vatican sent out teams of priests a few years ago to investigate this phenomenon of the light body, how it is spoken of and demonstrated in various cultures, east and west. And, says Weidner, because the Catholic Church now knows that we all have light bodies, that we all can “resurrect,” the Catholic Church is finished, will be soon demolished.

Oh my, here we go again: EVERYTHING EVERYWHERE ALL AT ONCE! The material realm, whether institutional or personal, goes poof!

Here’s Jay Weidner speaking of the light body in only three minutes.


2 thoughts on “Pluto in Aquarius: FREE FALL! (Will we learn to fly?)

  1. Here you go again AK with your resonating view of the moment. Spot on as usual.
    Between you and Laura, I seem to receive the guidance/perspective that fits just perfectly.
    Really liked your analogy of the birds in the sky and us on the ground navigating our iron and plastic missals so close.
    I reckon we are in the midst of the SHTF moment . . . Oh Yeah ! ! ! Big Time

    A few year moments ago, someone had stated “the middle of the road is vanishing, there is going to be a bifurcation in society”. That seems to me to be just about right. Without judgement, its plain for me to see that’s where we are. The fine line dance is honoring the choices taken, with dignity and respect.
    Also knowing when to stop as not to ruffle the feathers too much. I find with the obnoxious, if I simply ignore them, they will usually go away :>)

    So I ponder if there will be a parallel society happening.
    I choose to believe that I have awakened (not woke) and continue to do so daily. Being different is nothing new to me. Came out of the gate like that ! It’s probably a dharma thing. Very interesting times we are sailing through.
    Here’s a melism for ya, “everything happens exactly the way it’s supposed to, otherwise it would happen differently”
    Just sayin
    Thanks for being the guiding you, and sharing all that you do. Its greatly appreciated.
    In peace, Mel

    1. Thanks so much for the affirmation. I really needed that today, as I continue the project of archiving my writings in earlier years, when I could hold an extended thought and continue indefinitely in one direction . . .Whew! The way I think and write and speak continues to morph involuntarily, hopefully to keep just sightly ahead of the accelerating chaos.

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