POST-ECLIPSE: Have we entered a brand new world? And if so, what kind?


In case you want to see pics of what crowds did gather here, and where, the Indiana Daily Student has some good ones.


Just as we realized, the cops realized too. The anticipated madness never materialized. No traffic jams, plus fewer car accidents than usual on a weekday!

As I recall, 105 hospital staff had been planning to sleep overnight at the hospital April 7, in anticipation of those 300,000 who either didn’t show up, or distributed themselves so artfully that no one noticed.

One powerful thing “happened” to me though, yesterday, on the day after the eclipse. This: I found myself ordering a list of ten medicinal seeds, with accompanying literature, and a sudden, strong plan to create a dedicated medicinal garden in the back yard of this house.

I realize I need to get serious about the healing powers of plants. This sudden about face surprises me, unless I see it in the context of the solar eclipse in Aries, its ignition of a brand new energy.

Re plants: Oh I know about dandelion, for example, how beneficial especially the roots are in spring, when we need to detoxify. And I know about other healing plants, here and there; and I use tinctures that others provide. but unless there has been a reason for me, personally, to make my acquaintance with a medicinal plant, I tend pretty much to live in my fiery Sagittarian Sun/Ascendant/Mars self, rather than my stubborn, steady Taurus Moon. And yet, thank goodness for the Moon, which does insist that I stay grounded, use natural healing methods when necessary, and loves my daily two hours of “physical culture: 3-4 mile walk, yoga, chikung, taichi.

So for me, a brand new energy coming in. And in case you didn’t notice: that solar eclipse/new moon/Chiron in Aries also featured a forming Jupiter/Uranus conjunction (19°-21°) in the most earthy sign of Taurus, resonating with the eclipse degree by a 30° semi-sextile. This conjunction happens to be only two degrees from my natal 23° Taurus Moon. Which makes me wonder. Did my strong instinct to lie flat on the bare grassy ground for the duration of the eclipse set the stage for what appears to be a new dedicated focus now at 81, when I’ve supposedly crossed the line into “elderly”? What? A new long term project? At my age?

Jupiter and Uranus will conjunct exactly at 21°49 Taurus on April 21. Hopefully the newly ordered seeds will be here by then, and if so, I will plant them on that day.

Hmmm . . . interesting. If you recall, the eclipse was conjunct Chiron exactly, to the minute. Chiron, the wise centaur who studied and taught the uses of medicinal plants. Chiron, which in astrology symbolizes both the wound and the healing of the wound. No wonder I want to formally dedicate myself to a healing path.

My question: how many humans, at how many levels, while gazing upwards in astonishment at the rare, precise, exacting, sacred union of (masculine) Sun and (feminine) Moon, of yang and yin, light and dark, left brain and right brain . . . found ourselves dedicating ourselves to a healing path of one sort or another? All spheres of human activity, as well as connections between humans and the natural world, need healing. Personal, interpersonal, social, political, cultural, on and on, there is no end to the healing path, once we reorient ourselves to divine intent.

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