POST-FLU: Move Below BeLIEf, Below Language, and the WORLD OPENS


My vaxxed 66 year old housemate got sick one day before I did. Did we “have” the same “dis-ease?” He “had covid,” so the hospital ER told him, when he went in there, scared. And with that one word, all the programming kicked in.

I never called my dis-ease process “covid.” It never even occurred to me. My disease was specific to me. It sprang from my own body/mind/soul, and I knew it. The point was, to use this occasion as Nature intended: DETOXIFY. Detoxify from many years of accumulated poisons — in air, water, food, collective psyche, the mass psychosis of F.E.A.R (False Evidence Appearing Real) that the group mind is still partially immersed in, paralyzed by, for going on three years.

My own toxicity was also, in part, due to egocentric identification with being right, coupled with contempt for those who buy the lie. Contempt is never healthy, for me or any of my relations. It holds me within, separated from others, supposedly “superior,” in inner secret judgment. Or, if I allow it expression, well then watch out, as all hell breaks loose. For example, I could have talked with my housemate, or with Marita, also vaxxed, and a total dear, who took him to hospital (and did not “get covid” from him!), about that dang PCR test, that trumpted up diagnosis of a “virus” that’s never been proven to exist. But I didn’t. Instead, I held my tongue, knowing any outburst from me would worsen his situation.

And besides, I was about to “get sick” myself.

My “sickness,” let me emphasize, was necessary, as a way of purging myself from too much identification with my own ego. I had to eat crow. Had to discover that this philosopher who sees herself as “above it all” — can get sick. After 12 years So, 12 years of detox due. No wonder it was intense.

I thought to do a long post on the relationship between human language and human be-ing, on how the former cuts up the world beyond the self into forms, compartments, with names given to all. Plus, when “logic” is added, to identifying linear chains that are then deemed “cause and effect.” The problem is, nature does not live as cut up, enchained bits and pieces; she is one, an undivided, ever-flowing, interpenetrating whole.

By singling out a set of “symptoms” and labeling it as a “dis-ease, we call an idea into material existence from the ethers, and then perpetuate it as a named “entity.”

In the case of “Covid,” the list of possible symptoms is remarkably long; which vitiates that way of identifying a disease. That should have alerted us right then to the fraudulent, MK Ultra Programming ploy the PTW drummed up for “Covid.” Should have made us realize that we were being conned. That the point was not “covid,” the point was F.E.A.R. Make the populace afraid of even their own bodies, and you’ve got them by the balls.

Even so, there are so many silver linings to the collective nightmare we have all been going through that it takes the breath away. Among them:

“Experts” of any kind can usually be rebranded as indoctrination pushers, since they themselves are programmed to beLIEve what they push on others.

Everything we’ve ever been taught is likely a lie. Which wipes out education, science, and academia.

Big Med, Big Pharma — they goin’ DOWN!

Plus, the real weirdness, for me: I simply couldn’t predict who, of my friends and family, would succumb to the Lie. Unfortunately, most did, and are now vaxxed. Will they die suddenly? Will I ever see any of them again? Do I want to, given the canyon that divides us?

On and on.

Meanwhile, we’re in “the dead of winter” here. Looks bleak outside. And I’ve lost my desire to write a philosophical post. Besides, I already did! See Nature Is My Religion, plus a very provocative video on “the science” modern medicine is based on: germ theory.



Steve Falconer on the Death of Germ Theory

3 thoughts on “POST-FLU: Move Below BeLIEf, Below Language, and the WORLD OPENS

  1. Glad you’re back!

    Over the years, I have had identical and similar experiences. Most times they were “ascension/expansion symptoms.” Clearing, creating space for embodiment expansions and higher frequencies. Like you, I get out of my own way and allow for my body wisdom to do its thing. And SO GLAD when each passage has completed!!!

    Earlier this season, while my body and I were doing “our thing,” our housemate was diagnosed with Covid. He figured I was dealing with it, too.

    However, I knew exactly what it was that I was going through. I totally appreciated the convenient opportunity to let my body do what it had to do, without his attention interference.

    Big Hugs
    Big Love

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