I forgot to add a crucial remark to today’s post, that puts all of what I said about “not being religious” in a larger light. This is the remark I made to my friend at the conclusion of what I said to her about the distinction between spiritual and religious.
Even though I don’t pretend to understand, or to be able to articulate, what I see as the larger meaning of the universe, or, what some would call God, I do TRUST the universe, totally. Every time I experience a sudden synchronicity, I’m once again filled with that stunning recognition.
Every time I should have had a car accident and didn’t; my body taken over by something larger to steer the wheel exactly where it needs to go, as time and space slow way down . . . every time I dream about something, and then it happens, the very next day . . . every time I ask for guidance, and then get it, within the hour, in the form of a wild animal that I rarely, otherwise, see, and whose symbolism speaks.
On and on. The universe itself IS the divine, with “Satan” but a little rascal inside it, stirring up the ethers, trying to get his way; and no matter what his tricks, he ultimately fails.
LOVE, or F.E.A.R. (False Evidence Appearing Real), folks. Them’s the choices.