PRESCIENT DREAM: “Lifted high above, am I dead?”


Two nights ago, this dream, which startled me awake in the early morning, just as my Progressed Sun, at 19+° Pisces, was crossed by the swiftly moving Ascendant. The dream was so strong, I didn’t even write it down; instead, I contemplated it all of yesterday.

I am with three people, friends or relatives. [Not sure which, no one I can name in waking life.] Two men, one woman, and a child, in a house. We are on the coast of Washington [where most of my six surviving siblings live] and want to head home, east, to either Idaho or Wyoming [Not sure which. I’ve spent most of my life in both states]. Bad weather, even ominous, approaches. Stay or go? We decide to go, and I will drive. [There’s also the sense that I — as the elder? — am “driving” the entire situation.] Steering down the highway, winds buffeting the car side to side, but manageable, until a huge force lifts us up and I find myself alone, moving through the air, earthly landscapes below. I think, “I guess I’m dead? Well, then, okay.” [I.e. death is no big deal, something I’ve known ever since I travelled out of body decades ago.] Next scene, I’m back on earth, in an apartment with two men — woman and child both missing. I’m concerned, especially about the child. One of the men is also concerned, the other is not. This bothers me.

My overall impression of this dream: there are extremely turbulent times ahead; completely out of our control, chaotic to the point of possible death — or not! Meanwhile, as Pluto begins to shift into chaotic, turbulent, ultimately extremely innovative and exciting Aquarius, we must learn to cooperate, to be there for each other — and to realize that some people wlll not do this, will be self-serving only.

So. This morning I looked up the Sabian symbol for 20° Pisces:


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