Q post: “Save Israel for last”? NOW WHAT?


Well, are we now in the end game? With Israel last? Last for what? Will Israel’s year-long rampage against the Palestinians end up in self-destruction? and will Israel take the entire Mideast with it? How about the rest of the world? All possible.

It is said that in order to become TRULY ALIVE one must . . .

. . . keep one’s own death in mind.


As a daily, hourly, minute by minute meditation.


In other words: Does this grinding global drama, perhaps heating up as never before, serve as ritual ceremony for each of us, and all of us together, to learn to face death unflinchingly, while at the same time learning how to live with peace in our hearts, truth in our voices, and fully authentic expressiveness every moment of every day — no matter what?



If you are like me, when Netanyahu spoke recently before the combined House and Senate, receiving a sustained standing ovation when he entered, and dozen of standing ovations during his hour-long speech, you felt ghastly, utterly sick to your stomach.

Question: How many U.S. Senators and Congressmen have dual citizenship with Israel?

But how could that be? — we ask, presuming innocence of genocidal impulses ourselves.

Here’s how.

Money talks. Money, that scrim over the beating heart of nature, has obliterated the humanity of our “elected” (selected)  leaders.

What’s it like for the 80% of Israelis who have not (yet) migrated out, when everyone expects retaliation from Iran at any moment?

Check this out.

Israeli Society Is in a Deepening State of Contradiction


Reminds me of everyday life in the U.S.A. Except for the fact that the very establishment of the tiny state of Israel for (supposedly “chosen”) people who “identify” as Jews to sit smack the middle of hostile mideast territory, taking over what had been Palestinian land where people of three religions — Jews, Muslims, and Christians — had lived together amicably, and so, from its inception, “surrounded by enemies” —  what would one expect but near-continuous friction, often leading to state-run violence?






Ann Kreilkamp
Ph.D. 81

Rogue philosopher, astrologer, published author, conference presenter, world traveler, founder & editor of Crone Chronicles: A Journal of Conscious Aging (1989-2001) , and founding visionary of Green Acres Permaculture Village (2010 to present).

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