Rappoport calls out RFK Jr. for (Lying) “Ignorance” of Transgender re: Children


I heard today that a young man who lived in my house for a year, and subsequently got married, then started wearing dresses and calling himself bi-sexual/gender fluid, has now declared to one of his very best lifelong friends, who also lived here for awhile, that he has gone all out for trans, and wants this old friend to use the correct pronouns. Which, of course, made me utterly livid. I begged his friend to not go along with the madness, but, like most people I know, he doesn’t want to cause conflict. So prefers to go along, no matter what?

Which reminds me of Jon Rappoport’s latest substack, calling out RFK Jr. for pretending to “not know enough” about the whole trans business to have a position on children who get transgender hormonal and surgical treatments. WHAT? This from the man whose website is called childrensshealthdefense.org?

RFK Jr. Takes Disastrous Position on Child Transgender Issue


I guess the question has to be: who or what owns RFK Jr? Unfortunately, that question is coming from me and many thousands (millions?) of others more and more and more as the days roll on and massive world-wide corruption keeps seeping to the surface.

We know damn well RFK Jr. is not ignorant on this issue. Will he get away with pretending to be? With lying?



Defend the children, Robert! Or cop to the fact that you’ve left a gigantic hole in that wall. On purpose. Because you don’t want to lose your Woke following of suburban soccer moms. Or for some other equally insane reason.

Wake the fuck up.



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