Re: DOGE: Oops! Sudden Switch from Ecstasy to Compassion

Until sometime yesterday afternoon I was in a near-continuous state of inner ecstasy as I contemplated the ongoing extraordinary deflation of the administrative state balloon, thanks to DOGE. Day after day, one rogue agency or other bloated federal construct investigated and drained!

Hmmm. I rub my hands together, eager. Where are we as of this morning?

But then, something happened to me late yesterday. All of a sudden, I noticed myself focusing on the spreading consequences of these extreme cuts to the average Joe. Not the ones making $500K a year who live in large houses in DC that are now massively devaluing, as their owners desperately try to sell the house, find a criminal defense attorney that is not overbooked, and get out of town.

No. I found myself focusing on the workers in factories, the secretaries and nurses aides and teachers and garage mechanics, and so on. How the fallout from this undoubtedly exciting sudden, drastic shift in the economic/sociological landscape hits them. Hits the ones who don’t have the leisure to focus on Making America Great Again, but are preoccupied with day-to-day survival —  a roof over their heads, not too much debt, gas for the car that they’re still paying for, health insurance hopefully, and enough more and more costly food to feed their families.

Focusing on the workers in any federal agency, 1500 of them, say, or 15,000, who find out tomorrow whether or not they will be the ones to be cut. Can you imagine their anxiety? Workers who, like so many people in this unhealthy-in-body, -mind, -soul culture, rely on fast and processed food and medications for body and mind and soul to stave off dying. To keep their bodies and minds with some semblance of functionality in this increasingly chaotic atmosphere.

What about them?

Oh yes, many will be able to collect unemployment for, what is it, 9 months? (Or will that too, be cut?) That will help, for those who remain functional enough to have time to seek employment elsewhere, either where they live now or somewhere new. But how many companies will be actually hiring in this uncertain atmosphere? And how many people will be competing for just one job? Just imagine! Increasingly chaotic human flows, from one state to another; and I’m not talking about immigrants, but about those who have lived on this great land for generations!

And how many, in their desperation, will resort to crime?

This is not to say that I’m now against the DOGE phenomenon, for I know damn well that it’s utterly necessary. And that for it to be successful, it has to be done as quickly as possible, before the deep state enemy can shift out of PTSD and organize.

I remember,  years ago, hearing about the SES, Senior Executive Services, how it fostered the continuity and stability of the administrative state by moving top executives, who were immune from being fired, from agency to agency, with no cut in exorbitant pay and lots of corruption everywhere.

I was appalled. It was one of my first indications of how the federal government had become an unaccountable monster.

Obviously, Trump knew about it. On the very day he was inaugurated, January 20, this:

Then there’s the phenomenon that obviously, simply will not change, given human nature. Namely: whoever gets a job in any hierarchical organization, aims to go up the ladder, to become “more successful,” i.e., to gain more money, power, reputation. How is this accomplished? Mainly, by figuring out new programs “under them”, for which they hire new people “under them.” Thus, it’s inevitable. Any hierarchical human structure, in order to be successful according to our current materialist value system, tends to expand. Period.

Obviously, the solution is to shift from Capricornian hierarchies to Aquarian nodal networks, with independent entrepreneurial individuals. And primal, death/rebirth Pluto HAS now entered Aquarius.

But the problem with that, and it’s huge, folks, huge! is this: in order to work on your own, you have to unleash your creativity, discover your passion, and then be willing to trust — to forge ahead without assurance, without knowing for sure — the reach of both your mysterious higher self and the equally mysterious universe! (Hint: the one is a fractal of the other!)

It’s not easy to trust your self. To follow your dreams and press them into action. Will you “make it”? You have to start  small. You have to network with others in the same fragile boat. Through ups and downs, good days and bad days, often (usually?) depending on circumstances outside your control. How to plan when the future is so uncertain? Forget that big car. Forget that second home. Forget that expensive vacation. Just concentrate on survival: having a roof over your head,  food to feed your kids.

The big difference between entrepreneurs and lackeys in the administrative state? They are following their own counsel, have their own mind; they have not sold (or snatched back!) their soul. In short, they are FREE: Each of us a SOVEREIGN SOUL AT ONE WITH ALL. 

Let’s face it: Most people do not trust, either themselves or the universe. They have been indoctrinated to trust the government, or their employer, to keep those paychecks coming.

Well, I guess it’s time for all of us to find out just how much we can open to both our mysterious capacity for full-on aliveness, as well as our compassion for one another. Because, except for the oligarchs, we are all in that same fragile boat.

Remember: Whenever we get stuck, just notice how nature does it. Her aliveness courses through, no matter what. Dropping into the ground and waiting patiently, gathering energy, during frozen winters; rising up from roots to trunks to branches to leaves, waving to the heavens during the bloom of summer.

We’re dropping into the ground during this frozen winter. Spring, and then summer, follows; then winter, then spring again . . . There is no end to seasonality in our human lives.

Let us drop into that larger, fuller self that exists both below and above the administrative state which has managed to hold us in its vice grip for far too long.


1 thought on “Re: DOGE: Oops! Sudden Switch from Ecstasy to Compassion”

  1. Much of what has been claimed as fact by Musk is being exposed as not true. Social Security being paid to millions of dead people or people hundreds of years old is the latest example. It seems that his young team didn’t understand how COBOL code ( very old) reacted. 55 Billion dollars saved so far is what the government spends in 3 days. We have a LONG way to go to get to even a trillion. I totally agree that government needs to be reduced and many agencies are not needed. We need to start with those that comprise a big percentage of the budget==military spending would be a good start. But that would pit DOGE against the big guns of corporate America. USAID is low hanging fruit. Stay tuned for the next episode. I’m glad you are concerned about the people who are affected.

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Ann Kreilkamp
Ph.D. 81

Rogue philosopher, astrologer, published author, conference presenter, world traveler, founder & editor of Crone Chronicles: A Journal of Conscious Aging (1989-2001) , and founding visionary of Green Acres Permaculture Village (2010 to present).

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