Re: “geoengineering” and the present moment. Paranoid? Or Perfect, Proper, Precise, TRUE

Concerning those who have been in stubborn denial about geoengineered “climate change”. . . have these latest steered and intensified hurricanes, with dozens of tornados over the southeast U.S., not to mention the seven feet of mud over what used to be Acapulco, and the dreadful, all consuming fires in dried out Wyoming and other western states . . . has all this begun to wake up those who have been so preoccupied with their material affairs on earth that they don’t care — or dare — to look up? Who have ignored all the chem trails crisscrossing above at least several times a week, for decades? The chem trails with aluminum and other chemicals that poison earth and all her creatures?

Dan Wigington has been documenting the ongoing crime of geoengineering, a global program begun in 1947, (same year as the CIA), ramped up in the ’60s, and, he claims, is now vaster than even the Manhattan Project, which employed 10,000 people. As usual with these programs (think the covid con), the minions (TV weathermen, etc.) who do grasp the agenda go along with this global con just to keep their paychecks coming.

RFK Jr. and Alex Jones, who have both been following Wigington’s research for years, have new interviews with him.

Here’s Wigington’s latest on


And, speaking of not bothering to look up . . .

If you go along with Clif High, which I tend to do, those responsible for the latest and other murderous devastations are not who we think. Above the globalists, he claims, sit what he calls “space aliens,” creatures from other worlds who pretend to be “gods” we are supposed to adore, while they dominate earth, feed off our loosh (fear), and perhaps (I don’t recall him saying this, but others do), chem trail earth to the point where the atmosphere is so changed that the space aliens will find it a great place for them to inhabit once they get rid of us.

Sound paranoid much?

Really? Even after these two obviously steered and intensified hurricanes that, BTW, are also aimed at destroying the upcoming 2024 vote in Republican states?

Ann Kreilkamp
Ph.D. 81

Rogue philosopher, astrologer, published author, conference presenter, world traveler, founder & editor of Crone Chronicles: A Journal of Conscious Aging (1989-2001) , and founding visionary of Green Acres Permaculture Village (2010 to present).

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