REFLECTIONS ON NEWLY RELAXED CDC GUIDANCE: Capitulation? Or one more devious move in a long-running MK Ultra cultural psy-op

Time to repaint the sidewalks! Peel off the stickers!

Or just X them out with a big broad brush. DONE.



Re: the CDC relaxing its Covid guidelines. I’ve been checking out various opinions on this seemingly momentous event, and am surprised to see that they all seem to take the CDC at its word this time (huh?); which renders them all grateful, even amazed! For example:


The CDC Finally Grows Up


But you know what? I just can’t help but assign a pernicious motive to whatever the CDC puts out. Am I alone in wondering what’s really going on?

This latest “guidance” from the CDC was announced on August 11, three days past the FBI breach of the Trump Lion’s Gate at MAL. Hmmm .  . . did that white hat? psy-op turn out to be so instantly boomerangey that the deep state pulled this one out of the CDC hat to direct our attention elsewhere? Conversely: did the CDC use the still unrolling fallout from the Lion’s Gate event as cover for what appears to be an admission that it was wrong in its guidance in the first place?

But of course they didn’t really admit anything; they just said the requirements have changed, due to blah blah blah.

And notice: the CDC is beset with lawsuits. Maybe that’s the reason they pulled back? Or was it the upcoming mid-terms? But wait a minute: I thought the CDC used Covid to ruin the 2020 elections with mail-in ballots! You mean that’s not going to happen again with the 2022 midterms coming right up?

I seem to have been put in a state of permanent distrust and even alarm no matter what the CDC says. And I doubt very much that I’m alone. Even previously trusting, blue-pilled normies are beginning to pop open their eyes, thanks especially to the Trump MAL sting on 8/8/22.

Here are my two instant intuitive hits, upon reading the changed guidance.

First: the CDC has decided that it needs to smear, erase, cancel, etc. the hostile political/medical polarity it fostered between the vaxxed and unvaxxed, because . . . oops!  . . . more and more, the unvaxxed are looking like the “control” group: i.e., only the vaxxed are getting sick, over and over again, especially those who’ve taken one or more boosters, due to seriously weakened immune systems. (And of course, there’s all the young athlete deaths, so many that a new syndrome has been invented: SADS, Sudden Adult Death Syndrome.)

An example, this: hilarious, me thinks, since I read elsewhere that this dude wasn’t vaxed . . . In which case we’re looking at an ad for Paxlovid.



And second: It’s just another move in the long-running cultural MK Ultra mind control campaign to keep jerking the sheeple around, instilling “learned helplessness” to encourage/ease compliance on the way to the WEF Great Reset Globalist Technocratic Transhumanist lockdown of the entire planet, forever. In this case, push the Covid F.E.A.R. (False Evidence Appearing Real) scamdemic button long and hard, over and over again, via MSM propaganda outlets, and then suddenly release it, making the sheeple feel relief, relaxing them, until suddenly, another F.E.A.R. button is pushed, by the CDC or another instrument. Over and over again, off and on, tension, relaxation, until finally they are either unable to relax at all, ever, thus stressing their bodies “to the boiling point,” whether vaxxed or unvaxxed — or they have been put into that desired hypnotic state of “learned helplessness” and will roll over into whatever hell awaits them.




Neil Oliver: Open Your Eyes and See

Transcript follows the video.


Too Little Too Late: Disband the CDC Now


And not just the CDC. All the three-letter agencies. And that’s just for starters. Let’s shrink the FED GOV to the point where we can begin to breathe freely.

Remember, given the tendency to greed and selfishness in human nature, all human-made governing structures tend to get corrupted over time — to the point where empires collapse after about 250 years. The slowly metastisizing FED GOV in the U.S. is now due for dying.

One Pluto Cycle after its birth on July 4, 1776, the U.S. must die and be reborn. Its slow, agonizing deathing process is unrolling now; just how and what will be reborn is up to us. We ARE the ones we’ve been waiting for.




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