The Georgia Guidestones explosion, that toppled its Swahili/Hindi pillar — and note: CERN, which just this week opened again, features a statue of the Hindu goddess Shiva the Destroyer . . .
. . . supposedly at at 4:03 AM EDT (more on that later) yesterday, 7/06/22, and was then followed by complete demolition of the entire edifice within hours, “for the sake of safety.” Yes, the entire scenario completely boggles the mind. Not just that somebody succeeded in striking what has become known as America’s Stonehenge and/or a Satanic Cabal WEF NWO Prophecy Written in Stone, but that this improglio unravelled so damn fast.
As somebody on Telegram said, “I wonder what time the call went out to get the equipment needed to take the rest of the structure down?” Or: was the whole thing planned in advance? Of course we ask that now. No matter what happens we suspect “false flag,” and/or distraction, and/or at the very least, an event that radiates either “black hat” and/or “white hat” significance!
My immediate sense, and I know I’m not alone here, is that this was a white hat op; that in fact, the destruction of a deep state monument that decreed only 500 million people remain in perpetuity, was a HUGE signal. What kind of signal? That we are on the right track, in draining the swamp and eliminating the cabal.
If you are not aware of the apparently strange secretive origins of this monument, you might want to listen to this podcast. Ashley Flowers knows how to tell a good story.
I absorbed the whole thing, and then I couldn’t help but ask myself . . . hmmm the mysterious. “R.C. Christian” came to town looking to have this monument constructed in June of 1979. What was going on astrologically then? My intent: to compare then to now, in fact, to compare its origins to yesterday, when it was destroyed.
During June of 1979, it turns out, Uranus, the unpredictable, eruptive planet with a cycle of 84 years, sat at 17+° Scorpio. And guess what? Yesterday, when the edifice dematerialized, Uranus sat at 17+° of earthy Taurus, EXACTLY OPPOSITE ITS POSITION WHEN THE EDIFICE WAS BORN. Uranus reached that degree in June this year, and will move back and forth over it through November, then again April-May 2023. So I’d expect reverberations from this event to last that long.
We might look upon natal Uranus in Scorpio as emotional eruption, a massive cultural PTSD within the collective unconscious, elicited by the first statement in eight languages on both sides of four pillars.
Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.
Sounds good. Why not? Until you realize that most of us will have to be eliminated.
Here are screenshots of the ten commandments — oops, ten guides — plus, the part I like best, a truther decode of what the flowery poetic language actually means.
Astrology of the Event
BTW: the first reports put the destruction “at around 4:00 AM.” Then corrected to 4:03 AM. The difference astrologically is miniscule; however, whoever is guiding the reports on this event wanted us to think that they had the precise moment of detonation. (As I said, more on this timing later).
Okay, looking at this chart, one aspect pattern immediately stands out, and that’s the fixed T-cross (two 90° squares and one 180° opposition) that links transit Uranus in Taurus with both its 1979 birth position of Uranus in Scorpio and the nodes (south node karma, north node dharma) with the 19+° Aquarius MIdheaven (which remember, moves at the rate of one degree every four minutes). So, this event does look precisely, deliberately timed for maximum effect within the body politic..
Hmmmm . . . on a hunch, I decided to look at Donald Trump’s natal chart, the corrected version. Here it is. Notice the degree on the Ascendant (again, which, like the Midheaven, moves one degree every four minutes): 17+* Leo!
In other words, the T-cross of this event transforms into an ultra powerful fixed Grand Cross, with the addition of Trump’s Leo Ascendant.
Combine this “coincidence’ with rumors of Trump coming back soon, “even before fall, ” it’s natural to ask: was this event a signal? A marker? A BOOM?
And remember, Q is the 17th letter of the alphabet. Q has apparently just returned, to cheer us on as we proceed to demolish the deep state at what appears to be an accelerating rate . . .
This event was apparently prophesized, once in January of this year (can’t find it now) and another one last month.
And of course this event has spawned lots of great memes. Here’s my fave . . .
Then there are few more “coincidences.” For example, yesterday was also George W Bush’s birthday! And, get this:
Back to the 4:03 AM event chart with the 19+° Midheaven. The sabian symbol for 20° Aquarius reads:
A large white dove bearing a message.
The answer of spiritual agencies to thorough, sustained, and victorious individual efforts.
Okay, this entire drama sounds utterly white hattish, doesn’t it?
But wait-a-minute. Here’s the video of the event, which shows that the explosion actually took place at precisely 3:33 AM, even though it was reported as 4:03 AM.
WHAT? There goes my Midheaven theory and that wonderful sabian symbol! There goes the powerful fixed Grand Cross theory that includes Trump’s Leo Ascendant . . . DAMN!
On the other hand, even if this drama was in origin a black hat event (as signified by the 3:33 AM time), what if the 4:03 AM time was promoted by the white hats so that those of us who “do” astrology and who “read” “sabian symbols” might recognize that you can view this event as either white hat or black hat, or both. If so, then as usual, everything comes down to intent. What is your intent. Which Plutonian timeline are you on? The one that merely ends in destruction? Or the one that moves through death to rebirth? The one, in fact, that you and I are operating within now, creating the new world daily with every thought, word, and deed.
As far as I’m concerned, we’ve been moving through a deathing (and rebirthing) process ever since the fraudulent Biden administration “took over.” And yet, if Dave of X22 report and others are correct, this entire drama has been the most gigantic sting operation in the history of humanity. Yes. That’s how I prefer to see what’s happening, while recognizing all along that the more of us who occupy this timeline, the more likely it will manifest.
What’s next?
Or this?
Clif High’s latest tells us to remember to breathe . . .
BTW: notice how this kind of destruction, unlike extreme leftist craving to pull down statues that signify known history, I.e., to cancel culture, white hat destruction is to focus on eliminating materializations that the hidden hand of the cabalistic deep state uses in its nefarious design to depopulate humanity, while transforming the few who remain into transhuman robots. ENOUGH!
2 thoughts on “Reflections on the Sudden Elimination of Georgia Guidestones”
Pingback: MORE ON GEORGIA GUIDESTONES — Plus Plutonian/Uranian Perspective on Other Monuments - Ann R. Kreilkamp
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