SERIOUS QUESTION: Is Money the “bottom line”?

Men Made History; Their Mothers Made Dinner

You may think this Mickey Z post is “dated,” in that it’s no longer the case that only men make history, because ’60s feminism liberated women to aim towards seizing and wielding what men have seemingly always had, easier access to Money, and therefore, Success.

(And yes, “women’s lib,” as a process, devalued crucial, so-called “women’s work” even further, while gradually, inevitably, atomizing the formerly nourishing family womb into mere anonymous Others, indoctrinated to seek respect, approval from their siblings, parents, children, grandchildren etc., and when ignored, (or, as is said now, “cancelled”), feel horrible: “what have I done wrong?” What remains are stuck resentments for past wrongs, and/or active judgmental attitudes, superiority/inferiority complexes, Others taking sides. BORING!

(All this by DS design.)

I do think Mickey Z’s substack article clever and needed, in that it turns “behind every great man there’s a great woman” on its head as hypocritical expose. However, I offer here a much larger perspective within which we can frame this entire emulsifying phenomenon that slowly and surely destroyed humanity’s continuously nourishing, replenishing miscellial web, to the point where frozen fear, and/or disguised or overt contentions, conflicts, wars, run rampant — all seemingly now converging on the big daddy of them all, nuclear war.

Mine is a perspective that is still not even poking its head above the dominant capitalist paradigm.

I figured it out way back in 1977, under extreme mental/emotional duress. Ever since then I tell others:

“I aim to live below money, as far as possible.”

And when they look at me, dumbfounded, I add:

“Because money is a scrim” — a fake surface phenomenon that does not penetrate to the depths of either our authentic natural selves or or the natural world within which we are embedded.

What? People still look at me as if I’m crazy. Why would I say that?

Which means — though this is usually not voiced — “Do you choose to be poor?”

No. I choose to inhabit and express the richness of my authentic sovereign soul self in union with the whole of life.

Here’s a meme that goes some way towards hinting at the abundance of feeling and limitless, entangled connectivity that results.


Creating A New Foundation of Values for Our Lives



Ann Kreilkamp
Ph.D. 81

Rogue philosopher, astrologer, published author, conference presenter, world traveler, founder & editor of Crone Chronicles: A Journal of Conscious Aging (1989-2001) , and founding visionary of Green Acres Permaculture Village (2010 to present).

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