SIGNS OF ALIVENESS, vibrate out from the center . . .




This morning’s local Herald-Times brought a welcome story from, not surprisingly, given  increasing national attention on newly fractious school board meetings, our own local, Bloomington Indiana school board meeting! As a result, in this left-leaning, “politically correct” academic town, one courageous young woman, Margaret Menge, is now leading the way towards not just non-compliance with renewed city and county mask “mandates,” but active public resistance. Plus: this story appeared on the front page, above the fold; tiny there, but taking up fully half of page three under title “Masks.” 

I was surprised to find that  Menge was not vilified by the reporter, Emily Cox; that indeed Cox attempted to impartially present “both sides” of the argument of which we all well know the parameters.

The dispute began:

“Time for public comment brought outbursts with people disagreeing with one another and speakers taking over the allotted three minutes. The scene was not unlike many other school board meetings across the state, a change from the often mundane school board meetings of pre-pandemic times.”

When it came time for Menge’s comment, she “walked into the room with a mask on, then took it off once at the microphone, “because I can’t breathe.”

“The masks are stupid; I think you know they are stupid.” She went on from there, despite to be told to follow the rules (keep mask on while speaking), “and audience members chimed in. Many people were talking or shouting at once.”

“We want to hear what she has to say!” audience members yelled. “Let her talk!” Some people clapped loudly.

Menge eventually left the room entirely, having stirred up the entire place into a needed frenzy.

Menge was not the only one who strenuously objected to the mask mandate. However, she was the only one who dared to comment without the “required” mask.

I want to meet this woman. She’s on facebook. Have reached out to her.

For the entire story, see this:

Meanwhile, in a neighboring state, Michigan:

And, in Australia, well-known by this time as the testing ground of the totalitarian end-game, this:

You’ll need to get on Telegram to see it this extremely articulate young woman talk.

Q) The Storm Rider is one of my favorite Telegram sources, as well as Santa Surfing, Martin Geddes (who vowed to get off due to censorship, but appears to be back on, Kanekoa the Great, Praying Medic, Brian Cates, CodeMonkeyZ, Mel Q, Project Camelot, and others. One could easily spend all day on Telegram. This platform, BTW, is the one we’ve decided to use to connect those who participate in our regular Sunday Ceremony to Alchemize Fear with Love, at 8 AM, your own time zone. We started last Sunday, at the exact moment of the immensely powerful 29° Leo August Full Moon which also conjuncted Regulus, and plan to continue, ramping up until whenever and wherever F.E.A.R. (False Evidence Appearing Real) arises, it automatically alchemizes into LOVE.  This is energetic work, well known to probably half the people alive by this time. I remember very well the first ever global meditation, at the Harmonic Convergence, in August 1987, 24 years ago. Two expansive, generous, fortunate Jupiter cycles ago. By this time, we are well aware that when even a tiny percentage of people focus energetically in unison, they begin to morph the future in the direction of their strong intent. The hundredth monkey effect, made famous back then, is REAL.

We are still looking at what the name of our Telegram Channel to connect participants should be. So far, we’re looking at two names seriously:  Fear Sucks, Love Inspires, and  Alchemize Fear!

But then, last night, I received a third consideration from my new proton mail link. Clare, who joins us from Australia,  tells me that her group has been playing with the word COVID, and have come up with this: Calling Our Vibration in Dreaming.

After all, she comments: “We are all about creating the new. One part of this is clearing out the old. (fear/parasites).”

Hmmm . . . Maybe have the official Telegram moniker be: COVID: Calling Our Vibration in Dreaming. But is this title too long? How about Calling Our Vibration in Dreaming? But can titles be partly bold on Telegram? On and on, fussing over details. Want to get this right! The language we use counts.

Any other suggestions? We want to have our Telegram channel up before our next Sunday Meditation. That’s only three days hence!

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