Sudden Cardiac Event. Ongoing . . .



On the morning of August 16, my brilliant, inventive, 57 year old son Colin Cudmore called me from where he lives  next door at 8:43 AM.

“Mom, would you please come over?”

He was on his feet, but barely. That question initiated a dramatic, overwhelming, and ongoing suffering that has already engendered transformation, in me, in Colin, in people who know and love him.

Colin suffered what is known as a dissected (delaminated) aorta. Usually people die from this, quickly. He did not. In fact, he’s still alive. Despite having to wait until 1 pm to be wheeled into the operating room at Methodist Hospital, Indianapolis, after being airlifted from IU Hospital Bloomington.

Long long story. No energy to tell it now. Except to let you know that he has already undergone two operations, the first extremely difficult, over six hours long to repair the ascending aorta, and the second a stent inserted into his descending aorta from the top to the kidneys.

In critical care, for likely the next two weeks.

This morning: Inserting yet another tube into his body for dialysis.

His 59 year old brother, Sean, drives in today from Colorado, to stay for the duration as his caregiver.

Send energy, pray, ask for divine assistance, whatever you do to invoke the Mystery. You will be joined by many many others. This is our transformational moment, and Colin Cudmore’s enormous life force is one of its directors.

16 thoughts on “Sudden Cardiac Event. Ongoing . . .

  1. Ann, I long debated as whether to share my thoughts with you publically or privately.

    You have become a beacon for addressing issues, (the fun and the not-as-fun) head-on and thus the decison was made.

    I purchased A Garden Tower early on in that particular manifestation of Colin’s many gifts and I think of you and Colin when I am in my garden which is often.

    Thought travels far and wide and those who have benefitted from your shared knowing of dear family and friends have filled a well of endless care for you and yours . . . drink deeply my ‘Internet Compatriot’.

    Much love,


  2. Deep, deep, deep waves of pure, light filled, unconditional Love to you and Colin, dear Ann. May it bring courage, healing, peace and the inner knowing that all is as it should be and that Love has you tightly in its embrace. This to shall pass and both of you are going to grow leaps and bounds within the beauty of Source Creators plans for you. Remember, they are plans to prosper you and not to harm you…to bring you hope and a future…to root you deeply into the only thing that matters in this realm. Love. You both are in the best of hands!

  3. We are praying for your son (and for all of us). So sorry for his injury and we pray for a full recovery.

    Thank you for all that you do, Ann. Your thoughts and the information that you share have been an inspiration to us many times over the years.

    Marnie Vail and Steve Dix
    Flagstaff, Arizona

  4. Sent my intention and energy for a favorable outcome for your beautiful son. I am with you both in spirit as l am sure there are many of us.??????

    1. I don’t know what happened with the question marks. I put hearts there but they turned to question marks. I’m sorry.

  5. May divine light and healing surround and support Colin, you and your family. Much love and strength.

  6. Wishing all grace, all healing, recovery and growth, and strength and forbearance.

    Sending love,

  7. Ann, sending healing light and love?? Im one of the hundreds/thousands of friends who follow you .…(probably since 2016)…there is a throng of prayers going out for Colin…keep faith and accept the possiblity of a miracle? much love my friend we all have our arms around you?

  8. I have included Colin in the purification space of prayer and love for his full heart recovery. I have shared his beautiful garden tower gift to many many people. It graces my home yard and our family practice office. ??

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