SUDDEN INFLUX OF TEAM SPIRIT: Shocked, thrilled, but aware; what happened to expected chaos?

Ommigod, I’m totally, utterly, shocked! Not that the election seemed to come off with hardly a hitch, not that Trump was triumphant, but that the entire operation seemed so seamless, compared to 2020. It’s as if we really can trust our election system again? It’s as if we don’t even have to go through the agony of figuring out the exact details of what happened during the 2020 election, and likely those for decades behind? As if we can trust that we are one nation again? As if team spirit ruled the day? Apparently, “too big to rig” turned out to be exactly the motto needed.

I wonder, just how many rallies did the seemingly indefatigible Trump and his team orchestrate over the past two years? Hundreds? (three on the final day, shading into the early hours of Nov 5). And how many tens of thousands attended each of those rallies? And how many would that enormous participation add up to? And of course, likely thousands participated in more than one rally. And likely their increased enthusiasm afterwards infected their relatives, friends, and neighbors.

Indeed, likely this invisible, mysterious team spirit was, and still is, becoming more and more a mass movement to unify our beloved nation which visibly ignited when RFK Jr. And DJT joined forces, along with Vance, Elon, Vivek, Tulsi, Tucker, and more. Zowee!


This morning my next door neighbor, a serious TDS leftie from way back, came over. Said she had been up all night, tormented. But then, in the morning, suddenly felt calm — though it left her with a migraine. “The one thing that I can totally appreciate about Trump,” she told me, first thing, “is that he wants to stop all wars.”

“Agreed. That is THE most important issue.”

I was as stunned by her sudden shift as I was at the election itself. It was as if her programmed mental scaffolding had been clamping down on her own common sense. And when that scaffolding was destroyed, overnight, she woke up, cleansed. And to be sure, she did look, though exhausted, also relieved!

When I mentioned that I still expected chaos of some kind, during the next three months, she retorted: maybe not. Maybe the numbers of people voting was just so massive that we (the left) couldn’t help but give in to reality?

Wow! I sure hope so, and actually agreed to a bet with her, with me taking the chaos end of the deal.

And yes, I’d be very glad to lose, and hand over $50!


On the other hand, if Uncle Clif is right, there will be chaos, just not related to the election, or not obviously related. See this, which he put up today on X/twitter:


Here’s an extremely articulate rendition of what went down yesterday, including what happened to stop the steal this time, put out early this morning by my friend and Green Acres neighbor, Margaret Menge.

David Icke, of course, offered his usual jaundiced perspective, just as he did with the first Trump election victory in 2016. And I do see where he’s coming from, very concerned that individual sovereignty is destroyed by mass movements. And that this one, unfortunately, is going to funnel us into a transhumanist, technological hell.

My response? Maybe.

However, team spirit, i.e., community, is just as real as individualism. Any polarity needs to be both recognized and worked with continually, as a dynamic balancing act. Each of us is on a life long path learning to continuously integrate the constantly shifting “tension of the opposites,” as Jung would put it.

Indeed, that’s how we grow!


In 3D we identify with one or other pole, and thus fight like hell to win, to control, to squash the other side.

In 5d we occupy the infinite space between them, and dance with them both. 

So, with the extraordinary team spirit suddenly revealed during the “remember, remember, the 5th of November” moment yesterday; we need to remember that, as wonderful and joyous as it can be, team spirit always has a tendency to degenerate into hive mind, a mere massing of NPCs.

But it doesn’t have to.

Community is one pole; individual is the other.

The key is, remain a sovereign individual while lifted into this joyous community; and yes, be inspired by the individual known as Donald Trump, heroic, archetypal, iconic, a global-striding colossus seemingly able to withstand infinite amounts of hellish energy thrown at him for nearly ten years, and, instead of crumbling before it, incorporates it alchemically, so that the more they throw at him, the larger his influence.

And we the people noticed. And voted, accordingly.


Who else, but this admitted figurehead, could serve to help calm our massively troubled waters as humanity rushes headlong into the second quarter of the 21st century with, hopefully, feet planted on sacred Earth ground and head lifting to the stars — starting with Mars?

Remember, remember. You too, Ann! Please do re-member: put yourself back together again as a sovereign individual breathing in concert with the whole.

With any polarity: rather than identifying with one, learn how to dance with both.


Oh, and BTW: check out Q delta for Nov 6.


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Ann Kreilkamp
Ph.D. 81

Rogue philosopher, astrologer, published author, conference presenter, world traveler, founder & editor of Crone Chronicles: A Journal of Conscious Aging (1989-2001) , and founding visionary of Green Acres Permaculture Village (2010 to present).

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