SUPREME COURT: Nail Biting Time! Totally Unexpected!

That’s a Phoenix bird above, in case you’re wondering. The Phoenix is the most elevated Plutonian symbol of death/rebirth metamorphosis. Pluto and its ruler Scorpio signify the primal power of transformation. Here are its symbols, low to high: the underworld (that which lies below, cannot be seen), then the “snake-in-the-grass,” (on the surface, slithers low and operates in stealth), grey fox (who moves about on the surface, in disguise, hard to see), eagle (who flies above and sees precisely from a great distance), and then, finally, the Phoenix: rising, miraculously, triumphantly from its own ashes.

Remember, this year and next herald the first ever Pluto Return for the U.S., the very first time, after one 246 year cycle, Pluto returns to the degree it occupied since this nation’s founding in 1776.


So. On to this post, and it’s title, including the phrase, “totally unexpected.” I should say, unexpected up until late last week, when it began to get circulated over the alternative media that the Supreme Court has amazingly agreed to hear a case that, if successful, would not only vitiate the fraudulent 2020 elections, but bring down both the Biden presidency and many hundreds of current congress people. I first heard about this phenomenal drama from Juan O Savin, here:

SCOTUS CASE: Magnitude of What’s At Play


Listening to him talk, mesmerized, as usual, by his story-telling magic, even so, PTSD kicked in. I couldn’t help but think: Hmmm . . . Remember how Juan drove so many of us crazy with his promise that April 1 2020 would be a huge deal? The rightful President would return?

Wrong . . .

Can I trust Juan now?

What he conjectures is hard to believe. One more piece of hopium. Just like immediately after the 2020 election, when we hoped — no, we assumed, that the Supreme Court would take the case put up by Texas and other states. Remember that sudden disappointment? Remember how the Supreme Court declared it “didn’t have standing?”

Remember how flummoxed we were?

Me, I was shocked to the core, for months, by the entire post-partum stillbirth experience, with daily posts on, titling them Post Election, Day 1, Day 2, Day 3, etc. I totally thought that when the electors met with Pence on January 6 —  if not before, on December 16, via the multi-agency report (delayed, and then abandoned by then DNI Director Ratcliffe, due to agencies disagreeing) — that they would let us know that yes, the election cannot be certified. That in fact, the investigation wanted by 174 congress people would find that it was actually stolen.

At least I hoped January 6th would be the turning point, despite not trusting Pence, ever.

But no. The states’ electors, on January 6, rather than launch an investigation (which, remember, I repeat, 147  members of congress had called for), and in league with Pence (?), refused to certify that election. And did so on an historic day when millions of people had arrived from all over this nation to gather peacefully in D.C., hoping to thank them for doing the right thing.

Immediately, the strange goings-on at the Capitol building on January 6 then fell under a linguistic spell called “Insurrection,” which, we are beginning to recognize, was actually planned a year in advance by Nancy and her cohorts, and subsequently used to throw hundreds of people in the D.C. prison, where most of them still sit, nearly two years later, in our very own American gulag. Plus, of course, there’s Nancy’s so-called Unselect Committee, a kangaroo court to investigate “the Insurrection,” which still continues; one more attempt to get Trump (five now?) that, again, threatens to be superseded by yet a new Investigation of Trump just now launched by Attorney General Merrick Garland.

Okay, so that’s the back story. Between November 3, 2020 and November 8, 2022, what Dave of X22 Report called “Trump and the Patriots” managed to campaign for and put on countless rallies across the country to place hundreds of brave patriots into Congress and the Senate; a sustained effort to accomplish, what we still, foolishly, assumed, would indeed be a slam-bang red wave mid-term election.

Wrong . . . Or not wrong . . . hard to tell, still. We’ve got the Congress. What about the Senate?

Plus, we’ve got Kari Lake, a female Trump, in terms of her personal armor against vilification. She simply doesn’t care what anybody thinks of her and refuses to concede her  race for governor. Kari goes with what she thinks is right, just and true. And of course, once again, it’s Arizona that’s at stake. Once again, just like after the 2020 election, all eyes are on Maricopa County.

Hmmm . . . don’t you think it’s interesting that Maricopa County contains a city called “Phoenix”?

Oh wait: back up to the 2020 election again. If Q and countless anons (and Dave of X22) are correct, this entire drama has been the largest (and longest?) gigantic sting operation in the history of the world. When did it actually start? With Kennedy’s assasination? Possibly. But in any case, the sting seems to be looping towards closure now, as not one, but two fraudulent elections in a row have proved so blatant that anyone with half a brain can see it. This final effort, to identify the traitors, force them to surface, and not tell, but show those still sleep that principal players in the federal government —  Congress, the Administration, the three-letter agencies, the Justice system, etc. —  as Trump announced when he declared his candidacy for President back in 2015, are creepy creatures in a swamp that must be drained.

But how? How?

Okay, now let’s proceed to today, and the Supreme Court docket, that lawsuit brought by three out of four brothers in Utah, that has now actually made it to the Supreme Court.

For one description of the case, see this:

The US Supreme Court Case that Could Change Everything

Here’s Roy Brunson talking. I listened to the riveting first eight minutes of this video:

Didn’t listen to the rest, because I assumed that since Juan O Savin was there, he would describe his theory that the Supreme Court is actually likely to rule in the Brunson’s favor, which would then result in the military kicking Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, and hundreds of traitors in the congress out of office, if not indicting them as well. And why is it likely? Because, says Juan, of the timing:

As Q said, more than once: “Timing is everything.”

The new congress will be sworn in on January 3rd. Between now and then the corrupt House and Senate have an opportunity to attempt to not only set term limits for Supreme Court justices, but to expand the numbers on the Supreme Court, packing it with new “progressives.” After that, it’s curtains for this lame duck congress. And the Supreme Court is well aware of this distinct, drastic possibility. Which, Juan O Savin guesses, is WHY the Supreme Court actually took the Brunson case, so as to bypass the danger, and thereby ensure the constitutional role of the Supreme Court in the federal government.  

Get the picture?





2 thoughts on “SUPREME COURT: Nail Biting Time! Totally Unexpected!

  1. Australia, especially social & political trends and affairs almost mirrors the US – helps me to at least equate and empathise with the Plutonic stress and struggle your beloved Nation and folk are experiencing. Both are in my daily prayers. It feels like we are experiencing a Pluto return but Im not an Astrologer – is my assumption vaguely corrects?

    PS Happy Birthday Anne!

    1. Not sure about Pluto Return for Australia. When was it “born”? Meanwhile, that the U.S. is undergoing its first ever Pluto Return is bound to resonate throughout the entire world. Good luck. And thanks for b’day greetings. It’s actually December 19th.

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