THAT DEADLY VAX POISON: What Will It Take to Wake People Up?


This? Just send this photo around to everyone you know who was vaccinated and likely boosted and is now feeling tired, or sick, turbo cancered, heart and circulation stressed, old conditions surfacing, worsening . . Is this photo enough?


Actually, I doubt it. A certain percentage of those who “complied” will never change their minds, because the cognitive/emotional dissonance would be too devastating. Plus, their ego’s pride insists that they were (politically, socially) correct to follow orders (no matter how foolish! No matter how those orders contradicted best practices re: health of one’s own body). Yes. To truly absorb this photo would detonate an internal nuclear explosion, blasting through all their assumptions about society, government, medicine, academia, etc. and how they look out for us all, want the best for us. Worst of all, to truly absorb this photo would expose themselves, not just to others (bad enough, what about my “reputation”?), but to themselves!. . . . as total, idiotic fools!

But that can’t be. So no. Not going to look at what’s inside those bottles. Or if they dare do look, it’s to somehow figure out how to expose the photos as fake fear-mongering.

I really do think, and I’ve said this ad nauseam through the years, both in writing and in person, that the main source of our ignorance — and therefore our tendency to get bamboozled — as a culture is that we still, nearly 400 years later, abide by the Cartesian split between body and mind: I think, therefore I am. Therefore only my mind is me. Therefore my body is an object that “I” (my mind) happens to be saddled with. That object gets sick and/or injured sometimes. At which point “I” call in experts to fix it.

“My mind” here, equals my left brain. My conscious, logical, problem solving, indoctrinated mind.

However: besides the conscious mind, there is also a vastly larger and inherently mysterious unconscious mind. This other, vastly larger mind and my body are one, both instruments of the right brain, source of intuition, open to infinity. My unconscious mind (my body) offers me dreams, synchronicities, visions, symbols . . . all of which sometimes manifest as “symptoms.” Symptoms are the way the body speaks. What is it trying to tell my stubborn egocentric left brain mind? It is saying: PAY ATTENTION. Pay attention; tune in; attune to, become one with the wisdom of THE BODY.

Each or our bodies is an antenna for, an expression of, Earth’s body. Mother Earth. Her mysterious, intricately balanced, interwoven laws; her subtle, delicate interweaving of of all species, at all levels — is OURS.

Pay attention to dreams, visions, synchronicities, for they show you the way.

That dream I had last night, with those words, repeated . . . what did they refer to? Oops, I just heard them again, those exact strange words, coming out of someone’s mouth, ten hours later! WHAT DOES THAT MEAN? All senses alert tingling, I follow the trail of synchronicities, for they show me the way.

Follow your EMBODIED nature, and Nature takes care of you. You are not alone. You are all one with the divine whole.

Let go of outside authorities spouting supposedly “scientific” bullshit. We don’t need them to discover what is happening inside our bodies and how to heal.

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