The “Four Elements”: FIRE, EARTH, AIR, WATER — all going crazy, inside and out.


In astrology, we speak of “the four elements,” and note how many planets in a person’s chart of this element or that.

Every element governs three signs, in one of three qualities — cardinal, fixed or mutable. For me, with mutable Sagittarian Sun, Mars and Ascendant, plus generational Pluto in fixed Leo, it’s way more fire than anything else — which may account for my fiery rant on my supposed “Jewishness” yesterday. That rant was in there, for years, bottled up inside; I didn’t even know I had to let it out, until it exploded.

Of course I’ve been “working with” the elements since I began to study astrology, back in the 1970s. But never, ever before have I been forced to become so deeply aware of each element as a primal force of nature.

The elements interweave,

in a mysterious dance of impermanence.  

We puny humans tinker with this dance at our peril. 

The world is out of balance,

and it’s up to us to bring it back into balance,

as much as possible,

inside ourselves.


Get that? We begin to restore the balance of the world by wrestling with our own out-of-balance selves. True peace proceeds from the inside out.

Take me, for example.

Never have I felt so furious, i.e., so fiery. So out of balance in terms of the other elements. My temper disturbs my earthly body; my airy mind races like the wind; my watery emotions threaten to overwhelm.

Am I alone in this interior disturbance?



Air and water are most obvious, with murderous winds and flooding. We are being inundated, poisoned by media fear porn relating to these elements, likely most of it also true. PTSD up the yin/yang. MK Ultra’ed to the point of shutting down, like zombies; exactly where “they” want us.

Earth inundated, and/or tumbling parts of itself down. Can’t even live high up without danger from water bringing down mountainsides! Our earthy bodies crazed with addictions, the balance between in and out utterly disturbed, to the point where 74% of us are either fat or obese, grabbing this processed food or that, this pharmaceutical or that, to “solve” our problems.

Fire. Check this out.

It’s especially prominent now, in the drier states. Not surprising. But can you imagine how fire, racing across the landscape, feels to those who live there, with poisoned air, water, and denuded earth?


And yes, of course, there are all sorts of “paranoid”? theories about how humans are “controlling the weather,” i.e., controlling the Air. 

Dane Wigington, of, has been speaking out about this phenomenon decades, and noting it’s relationship to the fear porn psy-op of what used to be called climate warming, which then mutated into climate change, as the weather, oops, “the climate,” turned stubbornly colder.

I could go on and on. But I won’t. We all know the drill. About how the powers that still try to be are engineering all sorts of awful stuff to get us to go along with their 2030 New World Order agenda, when we will be either dead or controlled, turned into transhuman bots; our free will, our conscience, our empathy for ourselves and one another extinguished.

Here’s an interesting email post by David Sorenson of  Stop World Control, whose email posts I read and appreciate, but to whom have never donated. Today, I made an exception. Let’s get this amazingly dedicated human being, stuck with a broken down car in  Winnemucca, to his destination, so he can make a film about a young man in hiding who knew details of the horror “they” planned for us thirteen years ago, who prayed that it would not come to pass, and whose prayers are being answered.

Later: Sorry! I thought I posted Breaking Down in Middle of Nowhere, but forgot to check it before sending this post out. Luckily a friend told me. It turns out that Sorenson is not on substack, or I could have posted his email to me that way. Tried other ways, but none of them worked. Go to his site, Stop World Control, and sign up with your email.


Ann Kreilkamp
Ph.D. 81

Rogue philosopher, astrologer, published author, conference presenter, world traveler, founder & editor of Crone Chronicles: A Journal of Conscious Aging (1989-2001) , and founding visionary of Green Acres Permaculture Village (2010 to present).

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