THE HEAVENS SPEAK: Uranus turned to go direct yesterday, exactly on my natal Moon . . .


I thought I actually posted this piece yesterday. It turns out, NOT. So everything I say here will be one day late . . .

Interruptive, accident-prone Uranus turned to go direct at 23+° Taurus yesterday, which just happens to be the exact location of my 23°02 natal Moon. When a transiting planet appears (from Earth’s p.o.v) to turn, from direct or retrograde motion to its opposite, the point of total intensity in terms of that planet’s meaning, is the day it turns.

I saw it coming, but didn’t know how I would react, relate, respond. Hoped for the best, of course.

I’ve been “dealing with” this once-in-a-lifetime transit (since Uranus has an 84-year cycle), back and forth over my natal Moon, since summer 2023. It’s not over; but it is reaching a climax. In fact, that climax might have been yesterday and today.

Today just happens too be the 59th birthday of my younger son Colin Cudmore who, for the past 16 months, has been stuck in a local nursing home, paralyzed from the waist down and with horrendous nerve pain 24/7, after a two weeks in an Indy hospital during which he should have died, from an aortic dissection of both descending and ascending branches. The event that changed his life utterly occurred on August 16, 2023. So I do tend to view this extended Uranian transit back and forth over my natal Taurus Moon as synonymous with my son Colin, and my hopefully nourishing motherly presence during this extended period of difficulty.

Lots of back story to this context, including that I left my children with their father when they were six and eight years old, so intense was my need for Sagittarian freedom . . . So, yes; my karma came home to roost; hopefully, I am equal to the task!

Okay, so yesterday I was suddenly called to go be with Colin in the afternoon, and will go again today. After all, yesterday was his birthday eve, and to day is his actual birthday.

Long story; you can find my daily updates at

Check updates for both yesterday and two today. Hours later: just got back from today’s visit with Colin.


And guess what? It’s a long, story, yes, but framed now by the Uranus station, going direct, it appears as if he’s finally getting the pain medication that will actually help him in both short and long run. And as he said to me this morning: “And Mom, it happened on my birthday!” Excited, full of newly renewed hope for delivery from the endless burning hell of nerve pain.

As for my own purely personal experience of yesterday’s Uranus turn? (And yes, I was concerned lest I have a car accident on the way to or from Majestic nursing home (a 20-minute drive). I experienced just one obvious Uranian event: I broke a glass while there, impatient as usual, turning quickly to put on my coat when leaving, a glass that happened to sit on the window sill; the one I had just used to water the three new plants I had brought him for his birthday.

That glass happened to shatter right next to where puppy Scampi was sitting, tied up — and did not touch him at all.

Protection. As usual!

Oops! Then today, only one day past exact conjunction with security seeking, stability seeking, Taurus Moon, I had just gotten in bed for my usual 1 pm hour long nap (which involves getting on ipad and listening to something until I fall asleep), when I turned on the ipad and a horrible message popped up, right away, supposedly from Apple itself, with a loud banging that went on and on. “Your IP has been compromised. CALL THIS NUMBER, etc.” Luckily, I had just gone through another experience like this, about five days ago, from some kind of scammer with a voice like right out of India, and stupidly HAD called the number, wasted about 40 minutes with this character, and finally hung up realizing that it was a scam. Of course! Don’t respond to this kind of email! Just don’t. Long story. I quickly got up from desired nap, turned the volume on the ipad on low, noticed that it had not affected the MacBook Air, and took all my electronics to see the Geek Squad, over at nearby Best Buy. By the time I got there, however, it had disappeared. The clerk said, it’s probably fine; just come back if it does. Okay.

Talk about unexpected Uranian burst of ghastly horror! That I luckily caught myself before the situation turned ugly.

Oops! When I returned from that (mis) “adventure,” and then gathered the veggies I had made to take out to son Colin on his birthday, I suddenly noticed: the overhang from the greenhouse garage, already rotting, has finally collapsed.


Here we go!

Transit Uranus, bringer of shocks and surprises!

Fucking with my security-conscious Taurus Moon!

We’ll address that during our upcoming Green Acres Village Sunday work party.


Oh hell! The ghastly alert has now reappeared on my ipad. Off to see the Geek Squad. NOW, right before I was to do my yoga/chikung/taichi and then eat dinner .  . .




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Ann Kreilkamp
Ph.D. 81

Rogue philosopher, astrologer, published author, conference presenter, world traveler, founder & editor of Crone Chronicles: A Journal of Conscious Aging (1989-2001) , and founding visionary of Green Acres Permaculture Village (2010 to present).

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