The NIH took over human health. How to take it back? One approach.

Jon Rappoport brillantly targets the National Institute of Health as a “control center of fake knowledge.”  Since only subscribe to his free substack offerings, what I refer you to here is but a “preview.”



At first I thought Rappoport must be wrong. 45 billion annual budget? Nope. Can’t be . . .  Oops! Yes it is.

On the other hand, compared to the MIC (Military Industrial Complex) budget for this year? 816 billion. At least that’s the official number. Who knows what MIC black projects are funded via trafficking of all kinds, including children, women, organs, guns, drugs, adrenochrome, etc.

I remember I first heard about money flows from world-wide trafficking networks from Robert David Steele (who was killed? died of “covid”? in 2021); and of course, at first I thought he must be exaggerating . . . NO. He was not.

Back to the NIH. Imagine all the “researchers” in all the “universities,” applying, and then getting or not getting, coveted grants. Groveling for their scientism gatekeepers. Keeping their livelihood going. Keeping their departments going. Keeping their universities going. What a gig!

And yes, those “grants” are all “peer-reviewed,” i.e., depend on consensus thinking. I.e., only if something is framed in a way that other “scientists,” their “peers,” not only understand but agree with, will a researcher have even a scintilla of a chance of landing the desired grant. Outlier thinking not allowed. Current consensus thinking, e.g. “diseases” are “caused” by itsy bitsy “viruses” and “bacteria,” assumed as obvious.

From 2009 through December 2021, Francis Collins headed the NIH, and his “close friend” Anthony Fauci headed up the NAIAD, one of the Institute’s 27 Institutes and Centers (ICs). 

Fauci arrived at the “NAIAD” in 1984, just in time to blow up the AIDs scare with killer “medicine” AZT, and resigned, post covid con at the end of 2022, for, guess what? Jesuit Georgetown University, as “Distinguished Professor.” What a gig!

Yes. A hydra-headed bureaucratic, poisonous swamp snake determines what counts as health and disease and how to “fix.”

Oh? And must the situation remain that way?


Let me introduce you to COS (Convention of States), and its recent “simulation convention.” COS is determined to return power to the people, by severely reducing the reach of the federal government and returning major decisions to the states, as originally intended nearly three centuries ago.


Want more? Here’s their website. This movement, now ten years old, is gathering strength.



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