ClifWhat’s a racket?

In a recent post, Clif High calls out Rand Paul as one of the politicians who owns stocks in companies that profit from the plandemic, a fact which accounts, Clif says, for why he doesn’t go after Fauci even harder. Clif claims Rand “was chosen” to play this role because he is compromised. That these senate hearings are pure theater.

This reminds me of Dr. David Martin’s remark (can’t remember where) a few months ago, also castigating Rand Paul, saying that if he was really serious he would have police arrest him. I remember being startled when I heard him say that.

I presume Martin was referring then to this news?

Rand paul

Was the drug remdesivir locked into the coming hospital protocols and somehow Rand, and other politicians, found out about it?

Congress cashes in: Report Finds Dozens of DC Politicians Held Shares in Vaccine Companies

We’ve known for a long time that members of both Senate and Congress tend to get obscenely rich when they remain in office for a long time.

But do they always know what’s going on in their portfolios?



Not that this is an excuse. I remember when my husband died, and I inherited his stock portfolio. Immediately, I made sure to tell my advisor to get rid of any stocks having to do with Big Ag, Big Med, Big Pharma, or the Military Industrial Complex.


Dr. Joseph Mercola, who is censored continually, had this to say about the matter,  back in April 2021.

Big Pharma’s Big Spending on Lobbying Netted Big Contracts in 2020. 

Meanwhile, back home, in our tiny, Green Acres Permaculture Village toehold within the new culture springing up from the corrupt swamp of the old, for our Friday morning work party today Daniel, Marita, Aya and I began to disinfect greenhouse walls, shelves and trays, all in prep for when we start seeds, at the end of January.









One thought on “THE VACCINE RACKET

  1. How fun to see Daniel, Marita, and Aya. You have a wonderful group there.
    It is so disappointing that Rand Paul has a wife with stocks in Big Pharma….right before that nasty drug was going to be used. What would the world be like with no falsities? It is my dream.

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