THIS DIVINE PLAY: The Plot (continuously) Thickens . . .


Lara Logan on the BAALenCIAga scandal, and the webby,

embedded, infinitely ramifying context it evokes.

Interesting timing, especially in light of the FTX scandal, which exploded just last week. And wouldn’t you know, the two, pedophilia and FTX, are connected.

Is FTX Tied to Pedophile Blackmail Networks? – It’s Much Worse than You Thought – John Perez

On and on, down the ever enlarging “conspiracy” rabbit hole that ends up with Toto pulling the curtain back, to reveal the wizard as a fraud. And, for every so called wizard, there are a hundred Totos.

Toto Pulls the Curtain Back on Today’s Wizards

I like to think of my (13-year old) puppy Shadow as a Toto (with floppy ears, however), his genuine authenticity and trusting warmth of heart constantly reining me back into what is real, what not.

Speaking of Totos, how about the three Brunson brothers, none of whom is an actual certified attorney, but all of whom were deeply interested in pursuing the law of the land. An extraordinary case of We the People: creatively, brilliantly, and above all, confidently, with total focus on the job at hand, they have taken national matters (with global implications) into their own very local hands.

I also very much appreciate the fact that this creation story involves blood brothers, focusing their collective will in a would be globalist age that must split up the family, if it is to atomize us into billions of nothings, to be picked off, one by one and en masse.

Here’s a current update on their increasingly celebrated case.

Complete Update on the Supreme Court Case


Oh, and BTW: did you know that the Brunson Brothers (there are actually four of them, but only three could drop everything for two years and concentrate on their goal) were “famous” back in high school? Why? Wait for it . . . Because they were TRUMP-eters!.

And they were damn good, and synchronized, then, too!

Brunson Brothers Playing Trumpets


Geez! Who’s making up this divine play?

Who’s the Wizard?

Better yet: Who’s Toto?

Remember, GOD is DOG spelled backwards. 

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