THREE TOOTH FINALE: Huh? NO PAIN, after what has it been, nine years?

Note: See posts from yesterday and day before.

So. Yesterday I lay low, kept a gauze patch on the long three-teeth extraction wound upper right, and sometime in the afternoon figured it would be a good idea to add some kind of anti-bacterial to the gauze,  before applying new gauze to the still slowly bleeding wound. Just when I thought that up, and figured I’d use colloidal silver, because I have it here, I see a message from friend Babette, who had just read yesterday’s post on the operation’s success and suggested I might get some neem oil, or else myrrh and thyme tincture, because both good for gum bacteria. Bingo!

Figuring I’d still be dealing with the situation the next day, and that her suggestions might be better than what I had here, I told her I’d get one of them tomorrow.

But . . . tomorrow is here, and I need no bacterial antibiotic, because sometime during the night the wound totally stopped bleeding.

After taking one CBD gummy when I got back from dentist, and one around 4 pm, I took another one just before bed, at 9 pm, figuring I could take another one in the middle of the night, assuming the area would still be somewhat painful.

But . . . I woke up at 2:20 AM, and immediately noticed: not only is there no pain, none whatsoever, but this is the first time in many years (son Colin thinks at least 9 years this bacterial infection has been festering) that I feel no pain, none whatsoever in that area. Which made me realize: I have been in pain, of more or less severity, for many years. Looking at it on a pain scale from one to ten, it’s always been at least a 0.5 (continuous “awareness” of the area), and more often at least a 1 to 3, and at times even up to a 5 — which is when I do at least one oil pull, knowing that if I don’t, the situation might immediately become dangerous, the infection shooting either up to the brain or down to the heart.

And of course, there’s the not being able to chew on the right side, again, seemingly forever. Still can’t do that, of course, not because it hurts, but because top right chewing teeth are gone.

Lying there, in no pain whatsoever, was like being in heaven. I hadn’t realized that all these years I’ve actually been in purgatory! (Speaking as an always recovering Catholic . . .)

Woke up again at 4:30 AM, same situation. Absolutely no pain.

Again, at 6:30, no pain!

Wow. Can you imagine how much my body has suffered, having to use its energy to deal with this chronic infection on a ongoing basis all these years? Can you imagine how my immune system has been struggling?

And most exciting of all: I already notice a new level of energy coursing through my body.

“Oh my god, Mom,” Colin says, when I tell him this story, “MORE energy?” He was truly dumbfounded. “Even at 80, you’ve already got way more energy than most people.”

Which makes me think about mortality again, how it involves the sudden or gradual dissolution of the physical body. How as I undergo this petit mort of releasing three teeth in a row, I, my essential self, am being freed up! Matter holds us in place; spirit wants to travel, and does so, little by little, in my case, so far.

No wonder I was internally informed, immediately upon the third extraction, that yes, it was a good idea let go of those three teeth. (Got the clear sense that the voice was actually saying “finally, you have let go of them. Should have done it long ago . . .”)

But then, who wants to die?

Oh and, another synchronicity: this morning, one of my housemates, Ning Yao, who didn’t know my oral surgery involved not just one, but three teeth, told me about a puzzling dream last night in which she lost three teeth . . .



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