Trucker Movement Likely Organic AND Hijacked — OF COURSE!

See yesterday’s post.

When I stop to think about it, and allow my experience over a long, often difficult life to inform me, rather than staying with my lofty philosophical Sagittarian optimism, I say OF COURSE this movement is hijacked, or at least, there are any number of attempts to hijack this extraordinary outpouring of the exuberant human spirit after two years of submitting to crushing isolation and silence. And, these hijacks don’t all come from the CIA, or maybe they do, because the CIA is embedded within a web of other unsavory organizations (or, with unsavory characters positioned inside them) that operate in the Plutonian darkness, moving massive Plutonian wealth around without the enslaved ones on the surface knowing, or feeling powerless, despite their knowing.

But then, what about individual agency? That exists too. There are bad actors among us, operating as our “honorable opponents, — what we eventually learn to call them, and even bow to them, but only after we have completed processing our difficult encounters with them.

Just listened to an Amazing Polly video, wherein she speaks of another likely attempted hijack, this one by the people who started the already massive GiveSendGo account to replace the GoFundMe account. She identifies four individuals, some of them long time political operatives, and says they are claiming that they are the official voice of the Trucker Movement. Then she tells a personal story that makes her mad as hell, and makes her assume that these four are stealing the GiveSendGo account. This story starts after she had peppered them with a number of skeptical questions. Her first question: what happened to the $1 M from the GoFundMe account that was supposedly distributed before the $10 M fund was shut down and GoFundMe, after trying to siphon off the money to leftist causes, finally agreed to refund every donor? Where did the money go? How and to whom was it distributed? Not only did they ignore her question, Polly says, they took revenge.

But what really raised my eyebrows was when she said she asked the GoSendGive folks about returning the money ($7.8 million US) to the donors, and they told her that they don’t do that, because any funds that come in from donors go immediately into the accounts of those who set it up!

New Amazing Polly: Warning to Truckers and Convoy Supporters

Okay, now how does the above square with this? (Which I presume came out after Polly’s video.) Trucker Movement

To which news the GiveSendGo site tweeted:

Trucker Movement

What’s really going on here? I have no idea. Meanwhile, I’ve listened to parts of several current Tarot by Janine’s latest and her cards tell her that the suspiciously well-organized convoy was funded by at least in part, by the globalist deep state (she says it costs $2000 per day to drive a big truck); and that current police threats are mere feints, (failing) attempts to scare the truckers. Plus, Ottawa has lost at least 30% of its police force, and the jerries of gas that the police removed, though returned as per judge’s order, were contaminated by 50% water.

Hijacks everywhere! But the intrepid truckers always overcome, thanks in part to an expert legal team . . . And, apparently, their extended, loving, playful presence (Janine: the truckers took over and transformed what had been long planned by the globalist deep state to be a violent trucker protest) appears to be bearing fruit. Here’s the latest, from a twitter account by the publisher of Rebel News, one of the few reliable media sources in Canada.

Trucker Movement

All this reminds me of hijacks (shadow material) we’ve had to overcome in Green Acres Village — inside each of us,  between individuals, within the group (including one very recent), between this place and one neighbor, and between this place and the city of Bloomington.

We need to remember. Good always attracts Evil as its polarized opposite. In our 3D world, this is the planet of free choice! And remember, the brighter the light the darker the shadow. The key is to work with the negative energy, starting with shadow energy found within the self that attempts to hijack one’s higher purpose. And the culprit is, usually (except for actual psychopaths), if you dig down deeply enough: addiction. We seem to be powerless in the face of our addictions, unless, as AA says, correctly, we begin to take the “Ten Steps” by confessing our powerlessness and turning the situation over to the all-powerful divine.

But of course, our addictions, though they “make us do” things we would otherwise not do, they too cover up another, even deeper reality, and that is the unbearable pain of apparent abandonment.

The Trucker Movement, as all powerful organic movements that join us together again, feels joyful precisely because it bursts with the endless heartfelt soulful LOVE flowing through and within our truly beautiful human connectivity.

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