Trump, “the pandemic” and “the vaccine” re-considered, PLUS . . .

Reverberations from Trump’s recent and ongoing remarks on the “vaccines” continue, as those with complex, layered perspectives put out commentary that to me, makes a lot of sense.

But first, in contrast to the post I put up yesterday, Clif High assumes that “the pandemic” won’t last more than another few weeks, due in part, to Dr. Malone’s extraordinary conversation with Joe Rogan.



That interview, to me, was matched, or even surpassed by the subsequent round table discussion among Malone, Desmet, and McCullough, during which Malone hailed Desmet as the originator of the Mass Formation hypothesis, and said that he “sits at the feet of the master.” Desmet, in turn, says it may be best not to add the word “psychosis” to “Mass Formation,” since that’s a clinical term, and he wants to stay away from clinical diagnoses. McCullough, for his part, considered that round table discussion to be a learning experience for him, a short course in the psychology of crowds. Myself, I was utterly galvanized. It seems that I can’t get enough of this kind of Neptunian talk, and was especially fascinated with Desmet and Malone’s discussion, towards the end, of the mystery of the invisible currents that move masses of people in one direction or the other, without them being aware of it, comparing that synchronized movement to that of starlings.

I’ve often wondered about this Neptunian mystery, noticing how, to take a very mundane example, traffic flows usually move very smoothly, without accidents, even at high speeds. I don’t think it’s just because everybody’s paying close attention. Because we all know they (and we) are not. Especially in the cell phone age. However, somehow, we do seem to trust one another in these situations, assuming that each of us will take appropriate evasive action when necessary, even though we are all encased in steel skins and without obvious mutual communication. But is it just that each individual’s mind (or his or her body?), would know what to do? Or is there some force, some current, which moves all of us to mysteriously flow together? I think the latter.

In other words, communication between and among minds (or bodies?) does appear to exist, and manifests in many ways, not just one-to-one telepathy, but, to take another example, how FEAR was nearly instantly instilled by the mass media back in March 2020, when the situation got named, thanks to the WHO, as a “global pandemic.” From that time on, the invisible FEAR could be felt, as strong thick, soupy, poisonous current, moving through, surrounding, penetrating . . . It was difficult to avoid. In fact, at first, the FEAR seemed impossible to avoid, even for one such as myself who knew that, virus or no virus,  the entire scenario was a brilliantly planned and staged global psy-op. I could feel the fear. My body was responding to the fear, nervous, contracting, drawing inwards . . . No matter what my conscious mind told my body, it still felt the cascading currents of fear. Soon enough I began to realize that the only way to deal with this fear, was to notice it, acknowledge it, and communicate with my body in a way that helped tone down its instinctive reaction.

Yes, fear is present but no, nothing is going to hurt me. Thank you, body, for letting me know of a possible threat to my life; and thank you body, for agreeing to allow my intuition, coming through right brain, heart and soul, to dissipate that fear.

I know this way of thinking and acting, this powerful communication between mind and body in one whose mind and body are not split, but integrated (rare), sounds incredibly woo woo. And it is. But I doubt that Desmet and Malone would discard this kind of self-talk as meaningless. Both of them allowed themselves to acknowledge the mystery of the invisible dynamic presence that moves enormous crowds in a single direction, and for which neither one had a rational explanation.

This morning, during my yoga/chikung/taichi practice, I listened to Nino Rodriguez, two interviews he did back to back. One with Clif High (“The Quiet War”) the other with Juan O. Savin (“2022, Year of the Tipping Point”). Clif and Juan acknowledged each other through Nino, and I presume they would enjoy and gain from the experience of dialoguing together the same way that Malone, Desmet and McCullough did. So come on, Nino, bring them together! The frisson generated with these kinds of meetings of remarkable people with minds that think in ways that help us all break through cultural indoctrination, is incalculable, at least for people like me, who are hungry!

Okay, back to Trump and “The Pandemic.”

Here’s another view, one which I very much appreciated.

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And following that, how about this reflection from Kerry Cassidy, one which I very much appreciated, and found, just today, though she posted it on December 23, 2021.


Meanwhile, remember, re-member, we are sovereign souls living in bodies upon this good and glorious Earth, and during the winter it’s time to choose which seeds to plant. We’re going to do that here in Green Acres Permaculture Village, tomorrow, during our regular, twice-weekly work party. And you?





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