TRUMP’S INTENTION CONTINUED . . . Alex Jones and Mike Adams vs. Clif High with Patriot Patel

Note: See this:


Interesting: both Alex Jones and Mike Adams are now firmly in the camp of dissing Trump for his current apparent stance on the vax. This camp also includes Dr. David Martin. To say, DAMN IT, JUST TELL THE TRUTH! is the most obvious way to critique what Trump is doing now. But I can’t help but feel that this obvious critique is bullshit, or even that they (or at least the first two) are actors in the same movie that Mike Adams now identifies, playing the part of disloyal opposition, you might say, to stir up the masses to ask even more questions and thus educate themselves.

Re: Alex Jones, notice the difference between the headlines of Yahoo and Forbes . . . which, to me, illustrates exactly what Trump is attempting to achieve by seemingly pushing the vax: lassoo the left and drag it, kicking and screaming, towards unification, his real intent.


Re: Mike Adams. His headline says it all.

Situation Update, December 28, 2021: THIS ENTIRE REALITY IS PURE THEATER

Re: David Martin, see this.

But this morning, what I was searching for was the interview that Patel Patriot (of the so-far 15-part Devolution Series) did with Clif High last night.

Found it! And geez! Just spent two hours taking notes so you can read through if no time to watch and listen.


Patel Patriot looks up to Clif High as the person who first cued him in on the concept of Devolution.


Clif High responds that he first heard about Devolution back in 1967, and was immediately interested because it fit in with what he had learned as a teenager in reading through his military Dad’s Art of War and other military intelligence materials. Learning that the term dated back to 1947 didn’t surprise him, since that’s when a UFO wave began, with Roswell. Devolution, he says, was planned then, in case “space aliens” somehow took over the mind of the U.S. President.

Clif says he began his “woo” series of videos in direct response to one Q drop that said, “at the appropriate time prepare messages for social media.” Because, he says, Q knew that there would be a vast sea of non-understanding. And knew that individuals would arise to fill that gap — some of them grifters, fakes, etc. Clif: “I decided okay I can do that. I’m retired. Nobody’s going to hassle me. So I started making this woo series.”

Clif uses the word SOC (Socially Organized Collective) rather than White Hats. Why? Because he doesn’t like to ascribe motivation. Those in the SOC aren’t necessarily “good;” they may be doing what they do for their own interests.

[I really appreciate Clif’s attitude here. For though we may be in a Biblical battle between Good and Evil; however, individuals on the ground are likely acting, at least in part, in their own self-interest. After all, we’re human, all-too-human. Plus, if each individual (or group, or nation) follows his or her own self-interest, while allowing others the same freedom, the result is mutually beneficial cooperation.]

Cliff sees the SOC as secretly influencing world events, not like the CIA does, through blackmail or bribery, but by paying close attention to what’s going on (and that’s usually not where things are “hot,” but elsewhere) and, at strategic moments, offering someone or some thing that will solve the problem, or lead in the direction of solving the problem. (Example, now: he says Turkey is dying economically and feels the SOC is behind efforts there to introduce crypto to their economy. Unlike other currencies, he says, crypto cannot be controlled. Nobody can lie about what’s in their crypto account — which creates trust.) Clif claims that because of the SOC’s long-running and ongoing efforts, as the federal reserve note collapses, and the dollar backed by gold and silver arises, the situation will be messy, but we will avoid total collapse, unlike when the Bronze Age crashed 11,000 years ago, and hundreds of years went by before people organized themselves again for trade. [That’s my language describing what he said there. So be grateful to the SOC!]

He sees the SOC as military intelligence types, just as he saw Q that way. Says that, according to his linguistic  expertise, there were four different individual voices (identified via their unique linguistic habits) speaking as Q, as well four different phases of the Q operation.

[Me: Is the SOC an evolution of Q? — and vice versa? It seems so . . . Q as the (brief) public face of the SOC which inspired and generated a digital army of anons doing their own research.]

He says that the SOC has been operating at least since the 1990s, and perhaps even since the Kennedy assasination. [Same thing is said about Q.] Says the SOC started looking at Trump around 2010-11, but that they contacted him at least a year before he decided to run in 2015.

Again, in accordance with his linguistic expertise, he says that the way Trump uses language has changed three times in the last 12-15 years. Around 2010-11 Trump became aware that the Q people were looking at him, and his language changed. “That told me he was aware that there were things going on in the background.”

Clif thinks the SOC was and is doing “social engineering,” as per his formative education in the war college material. Q came out in late October 2017, and in March 2018, Clif says Q confirmed that Trump had been invited to join the SOC and take over the role. “A huge sacrifice on his part. There have been at least 30 assasination attempts. Dangerous for both himself and his entire family. ” At this point, Clif says, Trump was “doing and saying things that on their surface were nonsensical. But as a hard-headed businessman he never does that. He was doing things that were benefitting the SOC, seeding things, causing things to happen, and the SOC had receptors. Trump was also doing social engineering.”

Clif has been aware of covid since July 2019, with “the world’s largest olympic games that involved no olympic athletes,” near Wuhan. The military athletes arrived many months before the games began in October. And many were getting sick.

Clif had cancer three times. “In the process, I became an herbalist, because no relief from allopathic medicine.”

“Prior too covid, in September 2018 I fired my oncologist and started curing myself, learning about herbs I was haunting the Chinese deep web. Was concerned with the death camps and organ harvesting camps in China. 140 racial groups. Han Chinese on top, very racist. The Han have a list of the types in China, and the closer their type to white people, they will be harvested in that order.

[Re: Covid again]: nothing was making sense. In October I had a mental collapse, because I couldn’t believe that I was looking at a bioweapon release in China. Lots of spraying out the bioweapon, to kill out their own citizens.”

Chou Wu, an herbalist in China who harvests a desert plant and treats people in Wuhan, gave him info “as to what was happening on the ground.” He told Clif that none of his patients in Wuhan on chaga had any illness. “And these were old people!”

“I was freaked out by covid. Starting hoarding stuff, expecting it to hit us the same way. But it didn’t. Why? They [the Chinese?] figured it out. The Chinese are sun-avoiders. They don’t use supplements. NO Vitamin D.

“The Han Chinese are the lightest, and don’t like dark skin. Extreme bias towards dark skin. [Me: then why are they harvested in order of the lightest skins first?]

“We Americans have been conditioned to fear Vitamin D. [I think he means to fear too much sun; thus sun blocks . . .]

The covid is only effective against people who are deficient in Vitamin D.  Chaga [me: which grows on beech trees in Siberia; also in Vermont, where I source it] is known as the mushroom of immortality. Siberians drink Chaga and don’t get cancer. Let Chaga sit in the sun, and it creates Vitamin D.

They were using their own Chinese DNA to create the spike protein. The greatest disease everywhere is people who are vitamin D deficient. If you are dark skin and live north of 32° latitude you don’t get any vitamin D in the winter.”

At first Cliff thought covid was a disease. Then he realized it was a bioweapon. Says we are in stage 2 of their five stage plan. “And it’s not working. Millions of Chinese have died, and we’re entering into the ice age. They thought 100 million of us in US would die. Didn’t happen. Their plan is to take over the North American continent as the bread basket for Chinese.

“It IS a depopulation agenda. They wanted to kill off 13 out of every 14 people world-wide.

“Trump is NOT pushing the vaccine. Operation Warp Speech was to prevent the death of 100 million Americans. and 480 million worldwide through a long lockdown, with illegal alien gangs coming in as 5th columns, causing havoc; “smash and grab operation” in California, for example. If they had succeeded in their five- to ten-year lockdown 468 million globally would have died. That plan was supposed to happen after a nuclear war, after Hillary Clinton was elected. The plan was to set off nukes in America and blame it on North Korea.

“We are in the apocalypse, the revelation.

“Trump pushing the vax is trying to find out how much the crowd knows. He’s listening and judging how much and what type of response he’s receiving from the crowd. It’s a personal feedback mechanism, a gauge. We’re in a hidden war; Warp Speed was designed to avert the ten-year lock down.”

Patel: “Neither the right or the left are going to take the shot now that Trump recommends it.”

“Correct. Exactly. So why is Trump doing it? Why would he risk disapproval? He’s not doing it for no gain. He’s looking for a particular response. He wants to see just how much knowledge has penetrated to his base.

“He’s a war time president. One of the obligations, he’s got to lead the country into a war time stance. Absent Pearl Harbor, you don’t get that in a short period of time. September 1945, they knew the attack was going to happen, and the military were prepared for the galvanization. We didn’t have a galvanization with the covid, because there was no sudden kinetic energy. He’s looking at the evolution of the ratio of boos to questioning. The ratio of clapping to questioning.

“He’s engineering some of it right now in his speech, but we’re going to have to have a certain amount of emotional mass on the internet; for example, people to come across a video series that they could study at their leisure in their own time. People are looking, and discovering, because they are disturbed. Something is wrong. What?

“This is not about the stolen election. This is about humanity. This is planet-wide. We are going to be in this for decades.

“We’re very close to [Trump] coming back. His language is revealing — he’s never left. In the background, not being reported because media has no vested interest. The next three months [are going to be momentous]. By March, we will be looking at a different US and a different world, possibly including failure of some central banks. Once the currency collapses, the open warfare happens, — [not kinetic], an information war. Only when there is consensus in the population, then arrests can happen. Fauci, for example.”

In the next three months: “Die-off of humans that have been injected. I don’t buy the numbers, but 100s of millions have been injected. Those who don’t die, will have to be cared for and won’t be able to work. Right now, how many athletes this past weekend? Twice as many as the previous weekend. How many next weekend? Plus normies have to be educated as to how deep and evil the globalists are. The Jewish question, for example, because so many of the globalists are Jewish. We won’t have a pogram against ethnicity at that level again, but the upheaval will be ugly. We have to examine 200 years of history to know where we’ve been lied to. Suppressed inventions, for example. Energy efficiency, for example. We have a lot of undoing to do. Trump is merely a part of it. The US is central to all of this; we will free humanity (because of our guns and our attitude).”

Clif says he no longer gets accurate language sets because the internet is so censored. He does get emotional spikes, but not what the focus of each will be. Third weekend in January spike, for example, he thinks likely political and economic language.

Patel: Is Trump working with Putin and Xi to bring down the deep state?

Clif says his own dad met Putin; “he’s a known quantity. He’s a Russian, and I would expect him to behave in that model. If I were Russian, I’d be a Putin supporter. He wants the US to be healthy, so we’re not a problem for him. The enemy of my enemy is my friend.

[Me: once again, self-interest rules; with the implication if everyone follows their own self-interest, then cooperation. Exactly what Trump was recommending with bi-lateral trade agreements between sovereign nations.]

Clif: “I don’t trust XI. He came out of the brutal Shanghai Coalition and that’s how he rules the CCP.”


P.S. The italicized sections of this at times literal transcription are mine.







2 thoughts on “TRUMP’S INTENTION CONTINUED . . . Alex Jones and Mike Adams vs. Clif High with Patriot Patel

  1. Hi Ann,
    Thank you for doing this. I have been listening to Clif for over 20 years. I subscribed to his reports from the begining. I shared them with my Dad when he was 82 and he asked to pay for them til his death at 94. I ask my sons to watch clif’s videos and share them with their friends. For some reason they find it very difficult to watch his videos. I think it is the slurping?.

    Please keep up the good work.


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