TUCKER ON TWITTER #1: Gloves off, language unleashed


As of this morning. Tucker’s first episode of Tucker on twitter has garnered 63 million views. That’s compared to CNN, Fox news, d MSNBC combined for a total of 4.16 million.

As of this very morning, MSM is unofficially dead.


I very much appreciated the spicy language of this first formal episode, language he could never have used while muzzled by Fox News. I’d venture to say that even Tucker probably didn’t realize just how much he was muzzled there. Love his juicy (very Taurean, sensuous) language so much that I took time to transcribe parts of his broadcast.

His first topic? The horrendous terrorist act of the dam that just broke in Ukraine. Which led him to riff on Zelensky, who Tucker says, tongue-in cheek, is good, good, good,

“too decent for terrorism. Sweaty and rat-like, a comedian turned oligarch. Our shifty, dead-eyed friend in a track suit.”

Next, he features Zelensky’s conversation with Lindsay Graham, who famously said that killing Russians was money well spent.

“A smile spreads across his thin, quivering lips as he forms the words. He looks like a starving man, contemplating a breakfast buffet. The aroma of death has aroused Lindsay Graham.”

Finally, after making fun of Nikki Haley, he discussed tautologies:

“There was a time when tautologies were considered illegitimate arguments, not to mention hilariously stupid. Only dumb people talked like that. Now everybody in power talks like that.  Diversity is our strength! Trans women are women! Zelensky is Churchill! It’s all self-evidently true. It doesn’t need an explanation and don’t ask questions. Sound familiar? Of course it does. That’s the pap they’re serving us, day after day, In steaming, lumpy portions. By this time, it’s possible that American citizens are the least informed people in the world.

“What’s happened to the hundreds of billions of dollars we sent to Ukraine? No clue.

“Who organized the BLM riots a few years ago?

“What exactly happened on 9/11? Well, it’s still classified . .”

At minute 6:59, he mentioned that UFOs are self-evidently real, and went on to discuss a recent UFO whistleblower for nearly two minutes, ending with “The USG has managed to classify nearly a billion documents.”

Wow! If this is episode #1, what will episode #2, 3, 4, 5, deliver?

I presume he has iron-clad security.

The astrology for yesterday had Mercury (the mind, communication) at 23°+ Taurus, within two degrees of Tucker’s 25°+ Taurus Sun, sextile Tucker’s 24°+ Cancer ascendant, and trine his Pluto/Jupiter/Uranus at 22°+ and 26°+ in late Virgo, and 1°+ early Libra.

You might want to review his chart.


Sabian symbol for 23°+ (i.e., 24°) Taurus:

An Indian warrior, riding fiercely, human scalps hanging from his belt.

Keynote: ” the aggressiveness of human instincts when fighting for their earthly base of operation.


And, to top it off, yesterday’s Sun was at 15° Gemini, directly opposing Tucker’s fierce, far-seeing Mars at 14°+ Sagittarius.


BTW: That Tucker featured UFO in his first broadcast is interesting to me, since Steven Greer is to present another Disclosure Conference and film this weekend, free to the public.







One thought on “TUCKER ON TWITTER #1: Gloves off, language unleashed

  1. Re Steven Greer: that guy glows so brightly you could probably see him from the moon without a telescope.

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