Two “CELEBRITIES” who did NOT sell their souls: Denzel Washington, Keanu Reeves


“Remember that some things have to end, for better things to begin.” Denzel’s wisdom has been shining through for a long time. We are lucky that we have him. If there are “meant” to be celebrities, people whom others look up to as living examples of ethical purpose and action, then Denzel is a real star.

Another one is the gentle, kind soul Keanu Reeves,  star of the Matrix. We can conclude that though we now realize the price to pay to enter the the film world, or any kind of “entertainment,” including politics, is to sell one’s soul, this is not always true.

It depends on the soul.

Keanu Reeves astrology chart (born 1964) shows four of his planets in modest Virgo, all bunched 5 degrees in the hidden 12th house Virgo: Sun, Mercury, Uranus and Pluto. Pluto itself, however, sits is almost exactly on the Virgo Ascendant.  Wow. How often does a soul choose to enter a life with this powerful, generational outer planet on the Ascendant, which itself moves, remember, only one degree every four minutes?

We can view the matrix as one symbol of technocratic AI capture that Pluto in Virgo could both symbolize and destroy. Yes, remember that turn-of the millennium 1999 movie, the name of which embedded itself into the collective consciousness as one way to refer to the human-constructed(?) framework within which all action on earth seems to take place?

Another, more recent, denotation of the same strange, underlying, unelected “reality”? Deep State.

Reeves, as a member of the Uranus/Pluto in Virgo generation (1962-1968), is a fitting exemplar for his peers.

I wrote and published my very first astrological article, in 1986, on this generation, because I was so fascinated with the astro signatures of my two sons, Colin born 1966, a Uranus/Pluto inventor,  and Sean, born 1964, who worked until recent retirement as a Uranus/Pluto coder.

See: The Uranus Pluto in Virgo Generation

I notice that both Denzel Washington (born 12/28/54) and Keanu Reeves (born 9/2/1964) have significant Cancer placements in their charts (Denzel: Uranus conjunct Jupiter, 26-28° Cancer in a T-cross with Chiron and Neptune; Keanu; Moon, Mars/Venus, 9° – 21/23° Cancer).

Like DJT, both these “actors'” have Cancer placements that echo major Cancer placements in the U.S. Chart, which has Venus/Jupiter/Sun/Mercury in that nourishing, home-loving sign.


Look directly opposite 24° Mercury in the U.S. chart, and you will see Pluto at 27° Capricorn. Mercury/Pluto: propaganda anyone? Can we trust any MSM outlets anymore to tell us the truth? What about “truthers”? How many of the ones we thought we could trust are compromised?

Pluto, with its 248 year cycle, during its agonizingly slow first ever return to its natal place in the U.S. chart, has been busy introducing all sorts of craziness into our Cancerian homeland, not just an apocalypse (revealing) of propaganda (and deep fakes, AI generated images, etc.), but including millions of people coming across our borders, most of them unvetted. “Who are these people? Might one, or some of them, invade my personal home one day?” This paranoid possibility is no longer theoretical.


In that light, we can look to these two “celebrities,” two who have NOT sold their souls to “get ahead,” as models for how to conduct ourselves during this increasingly stressful time.


Ann Kreilkamp
Ph.D. 81

Rogue philosopher, astrologer, published author, conference presenter, world traveler, founder & editor of Crone Chronicles: A Journal of Conscious Aging (1989-2001) , and founding visionary of Green Acres Permaculture Village (2010 to present).

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