I debated whether or not to include the question mark after the title to this post. Chickened out; decided to include it.

In any case:

Two men, both famous, righteous, and personally, obviously flawed, their deeply held concerns mostly but not always dovetailing; men who many of us dared to dream — I certainly did, over and over again, but then would smite that hopium away . . .  impossible! — that they would actually join forces, for the sake of not only the U.S., but the entire world — finally did. Yesterday, observing the ongoing frictional Jupiter square Saturn at 17° of Gemini and Pisces. Yep, expansive, generous Jupiter wins over limiting, rule-bound Saturn!

And hey, “17” . . . Q anyone?

Bobby Kennedy: By letting us know that children’s health stands at the apex of his deeply held concerns, grounded the froth of politics to what really counts above/below all else, the vitality, the actual aliveness, of our bodies, minds and souls

His message: “We need to love our children more than we hate each other” cannot help but resound in all our hearts.


And of course the timing of this historic occasion was exquisite: the very next day after the DNC clown show ended, thus guaranteeing a stolen spotlight from whatever propaganda the dems had planned to keep thudding Kamala’s “joy” (yuck!) into sheeple brains.


An Era of Healing Is Beginning


Wait a minute. Not so fast, Ann.

Oh yeah? Check out what prophet Kim Clement said, way back in 2009:


Bioclandestine. Hilarious.


If you still think Trump doesn’t know what he’s doing, that his timed unification with Kennedy was an accident, rather than “the art of the deal,” check this out:







Ann Kreilkamp
Ph.D. 81

Rogue philosopher, astrologer, published author, conference presenter, world traveler, founder & editor of Crone Chronicles: A Journal of Conscious Aging (1989-2001) , and founding visionary of Green Acres Permaculture Village (2010 to present).

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