See last post.

Just an FYI: We in Green Acres Village have endured an intense interpersonal drama this past week which has finally resolved itself. Very difficult. Very instructive! Luckily, during my now nearly 80 years, I’ve actually learned to deeply value each “honorable opponent” for what he or she has to teach me — about myself!

In this case, the person in question was here since August 14, and finally exited on Wednesday, October 5.  Two days earlier, the situation had deterioriated to such an extent that puppy Shadow and I moved out, into one of our other two houses. Long story.

We had huge help, from many individuals and on many levels, in working through this difficult situation. During the entire extended trauma, I have felt immersed in Love. This immersion helps a great deal as I work now to heal my nervous system, which had been rapidly and severely deteriorating in the toxic atmosphere that emerged, suddenly, on September 22 — Equinox!

This morning, Shadow and I went back to Griffy Lake —

— to walk our usual woodsy trail. However, about halfway up the hill, Shadow didn’t want to go any further . . . something I only discovered after about 20 minutes. I had stopped to hug a tree, grateful for its generous, spacious, grounded presence. When I “came to,” I didn’t see Shadow. Where was he? Did he go on ahead of me? I decided to proceed, walking at my usual fast pace, calling out his name continuously. I would go another half mile, and then if I didn’t catch up, would turn back, hoping he would have gone back to the car. But all the way up and back I was distraught. Oh no! Shadow gone??! Did a coyote grab him? So much is my nervous system still wracked, that I kept imagining the worst.

Well, wouldn’t you know . . . Back just beyond that blessed tree, there he was, sitting in the middle of the trail, looking at me.

I was not surprised. He too, had been deeply affected by the atmosphere, has been dutifully trotting behind me on daily walks, rather than cavorting here and there; this morning, though he had eagerly run up the trail, while stopping to sniff over and over again as usual, apparently he couldn’t keep up the pace. This has never happened before.

I’d like to think he’s back to normal, but really, am I? Like Shadow, just now beginning to get back to his tail-wagging, eager little self, so too, for me.

Have you noticed? Each of our living situations is a fractal of the turbulent whole. It felt like a tiny taste of the “deep state” had managed to infiltrate our little community, laid low for awhile, and then pounced.

We had to learn how to first identify what was going on, and then summon the powers necessary to transform it.




3 thoughts on “UP FROM UNDER . . .

  1. So glad you’re on the mend! What a wild ride. I can’t help thinking this also had something to do with Uranus coming into orb of your natal Moon. Disruption of your home and comfort zone, then liberation. Good for the soul, much more stressful on the nervous system. Hugs and healing, Laura

    1. Yes, I’ve been highly aware of Uranus approaching the Moon for months now, on its way to the Uranus return, itself opposite Mars, finishing with its conjunction with Saturn. I actually have a piece of paper taped to my wall, with the three other times Uranus has worked with this spread from Moon to Saturn, and concurring life events. Each time, major life changes lasting at least four years . . . I imagine this one, since it involves my actual, once in a lifetime, Uranus return, will prove to be the most transformative of them all.

  2. Dear Ann and dear Shadow, I can not even count the times in the past several days that I have held you in prayer and protection. Be kind with yourselves as you gently bring your nervous systems back to comfort and balance. Your little tails will soon begin to wag as you catch your breath and feel completely in your bodies and your home. My but you did so well. Thank you for seeing this all the way through. Lovingly, Janet

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