“WAKE UP! IT’S TIME!” cawed the Raven, clawing my shoulders to awaken me from deep sleep . . .


That was in July 1989. I was only 46 years old. Now I am 81.

Raven gifted my unconscious with a Big Dream, and it startled me AWAKE. Intuitively, I knew that Raven symbolized the Crone archetype, buried for thousands of years, and determined to surface. The result? Crone Chronicles: A Journal of Conscious Aging, a quarterly magazine which I ran for 12 years to activate the archetype of the Crone.

So that was nearly 25 years ago. Are we awake yet? Awake to our own individually, consciously, processed personal and interpersonal experiences through especially the challenging times of our lives that yield patterns of understanding, meaning, which invoke the wisdom of the Crone (and Elder) stage of life? And now, are those of us who truly do appreciate this stage of life capable of being there for all the others who are being pressed now, by continuously shocking world events, to awaken with a start?

To my mind, those of us who are truly awake are, even so, not paranoid enough, conspiratorial enough! Here are two posts that illustrate this attitude, the conclusions to both which have been slowly germinating within me, though of course, I don’t want to claim anything, with certainty, since whatever is the enveloping, enlarging context will undoubtedly expand my understanding to the point where, once again, all bets are off!

In any case, here goes:



I’ve already posted on this drama three times in the past week, with, frankly, increasing skepticism. The question that needs to be continually asked: why did Governor Abbott wait nearly three years?

Here’s Greg Reese, contextualizing the border issue and focusing in on it about three minutes into a five minute video:

False Flag Warnings for Martial Law?



This question frankly, has been simmering inside me ever since last summer, ever since I discovered in the local paper that Indiana University was going to do some kind of a symposium on “Taylor Swift.”

Who in hell is Taylor Swift? I asked in my then-80-year-old pop culture ignorance? I decided to see if I could get her birthtime and do an astrological chart for this clearly phenomenal influencer. What was her unconscious generational signature, and how would it be front and center in her chart (i.e., conjunct personal, short-cycled planets and/or one or more of the angles of the chart)?

Well, I certainly found out. Even without knowing her birthtime (I.e., placing the Ascendant at 0°00 Aries), it’s obvious that Swift functions as a powerful pied piper for her “swiftie” generation, with her personal planet Mercury, smack in the middle of the infamous Uranus/Neptune/Saturn in Capricorn generational and zeitgeistian conjunction that brought about, among other things, the fall of the Berlin Wall, which in turn, re-ordered the world, got rid of the Soviet Union, and instead of allowing all nations to work together horizontally (as was everyone’s brief dream), positioned the United States as Capricornian hyperpower bar none.

(P.S. Note that Crone Chronicles was also born during that storied year, 1989, via my Big Dream, and carried a tiny, but potent influence.)

Not only that, but Swift’s Moon and Jupiter are in family/tribal oriented Cancer, directly across from that enormous Capricorn stellium.

So. . . instead of doing an astrological blog post on Swift, for the past several months I’ve found myself becoming more and more agitated at what appears to be her deep state role, given that she appears to have been bought and paid for by Soros, and scheduled to be used leading up to our election farce to bring in the New World Order. Not surprisingly,  I was very grateful to Jesse Watters for pointing this out!

Then there’s her boyfriend:

Let me repeat: are those of us who have lived long enough to begin to have absorbed the WAKE UP! IT’S TIME! message of the Crone willing to step up to the plate now, when millions of swifties find themselves utterly swamped in deep state messaging?








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