WAKE UP!!! . . . Tripping the Light Fantastic through Meme-Land



It really is true, how the smell of a rose can instantly, for a millisecond, banish thought.

(Oops. Correction, smell of a non-commercial rose, that is. Not many left. Most have had the smell bred right outta them. But let’s get back to the subject, shall we?)

The smell of a real, still wild, rose, or even the roses still growing in your long-dead grandmother’s back yard, moves us instantly, if temporarily, out of our feverish minds into our sensual, bodily selves.

These weird, fear-full thoughts . . .  what we now, post-covidiana, term a mind virus. And there are gobs of mind viruses, more or less apparently virulent, but all instantly vanish-able with one whiff of a real, old-fashioned rose. By activating the senses, by truly stopping paranoid monkey mind long enough to do so, we suddenly, miraculously! — shift from buzzing booming left brain to spacious right brain, activating the heart.

But we can’t have that, can we? An open heart shifts us from the contraction of fear into the expansion of love. But but but . . . what WE love — is to hate! To hate what our identified group hates! It makes us feel connected to them. Makes us feel not so weird and alone!


So, little ones. Maybe Elon IS a big bad monster. And maybe not. Who knows? Try to keep an open mind! The first meme of this wake-up meme collection I’ve saved on my desktop for ages — since, likely, Elon bought twitter and freaked out those “on the left.” That was months ago. Remember? Remember that far back? And now that he seems to be hiring a WEF executive as twitter CEO, those “on the right” are the ones freaking. Oh well!


There’s just so many many things we can “freak out” over! Why do we do this? It’s as if we’re addicted to intensity. Are we?

Some of the freak-out stuff we’ve known for awhile now. How long? Notice how dated the following meme feels? What’s it been, only months? weeks?


We just have to find more and more stuff to freak us out! Make us feel more alive in our screen virtualities! Intensity equals aliveness!

Hell, that’s easy. Wanna freak out on a minute-by-minute basis? Just continue to pay attention to the bought, bribed, blackmailed MSM; and while there, notice the patterns. Notice! Just notice! That’s all genuine aliveness requires, that we stop and notice what we are thinking. I.e., that we learn to live in the (right brain) space that holds our (left brain) thinking without identifying with any of it.


Oh but wait. We know all about (Hegel’s, Icke’s) Problem/Reaction/Solution, and choose to take a detour around any fake, famous, confabulated crisis, always.

Oh yeah? How ’bout Russia Russia Russia and Putin. Still hate Putin? It’s important to continue to hate him as a war monger, cuz the Democrats (and RINOs, and banksters, and weapons manufacturers, assisted by the propaganda arm of the govern-ment, the MSM) need to gin up war war war (especially before the 2024 election, cuz there’s never been a U.S. president who lost an election during a war).



New World Order. What? Are you a conspiracy theorist?”

Think I’m “just” a conspiracy theorist? Really? Still?

Geez. You’e right. It doesn’t make sense, the disconnect between what “they” SAY and what “they” DO. Okay. What does still make sense?  Does anything make sense? Let’s stop and sit on a park bench for awhile, have an actual conversation.


Oh yeah, came across this in recent aftermath of the Durham Report. Pretty good one, don’tcha think?


But geez! Will that report lead to any arrests? Or is it just thumbs in our faces, as usual.

Remember how the “govern-ment,” during World War I, wanted us to create victory gardens, including chickens? Why isn’t this is a good idea during this ongoing war for our minds, World War III?

Okay. How about this? I know you’re familiar with The Matrix film, right? Which to choose? Red pill or blue pill? Let’s get this straight, just who is who. Oh, but wait!

Yep. It’s not just Red OR Blue, it’s both together. So that the brain grows confused, taken in by the swirling fakeness.

After awhile of trying to “make sense of the madness,” the (left) brainiac just gives up. “Go ahead, take control.”

Oh, wait. It’s Soros! He’s the one we need to blame. Get him outta here and all will be well.

Oh yeah? But what if Soros is also a puppet?

Just who is sitting around this round table. I doubt they are knights. Are these weirdos even human? Are they already transhuman? Are they alien, from across the border between Earth and whatever it’s supposedly floating in?




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