Let’s start with what’s very very far out, shall we? What used to be inconceivable, but our reaction is now, when UFO/UAP  mentioned — “meh?” (cf recent congressional hearing with not very interesting or relevant Elizondo, who, as I recall, wants to make everything beyond or other than “Human” a threat . . .)

Who’s the threat?

And check out how we treat the animals whom we want to, not just rob of their habitat, but to eat! Usually held in ultra crowded, “inhuman” conditions, until slaughter.

Meanwhile, we are lost inside our minds, driven one way or another internally, by outside “sources” that aim to keep us divided, conquered, at war with one another.

Case in point. Notice what just happened . . .


Oh no! Can’t be! — say “the normies.”

Okay. Let me help.

I know it’s hard to take, this avalanche of “truth”?

In fact, some of us will have to serve as caregivers for others going forward . . .

Especially, it may turn out, some of those who have been still whip-sawed by absurdist propaganda into oblivion . . .

Luckily, some mothers are still sane.

Meanwhile, our ubiquitous screens screech on and on . . . to the point where we lose all sense of priorities . . .

Read a book, for gawd’s sake! (I’ve been doing just that, on my weekend screen fasts. Books and now, journals from 1990-1992. Extremely interesting, both! One’s sense of time expands from digital rat tat tat to a much more spacious duration that allows all sorts of thoughts, old memories, intuitions, emotions, to nourish the starving mind and soul.)

But of course, we’ve also got to get off our thinker’s asses an DO something!

Today, as Pluto re-enters Aquarius, this time “for good,” i.e., for the next twenty years, Elon and Vivek plan to DO something. Good, eh? Take a wrecking ball to the hierarchical, Capricornian administrative state.

Not that the entirety of human construction dissolves, just the superfluous parts we outgrew, or got the best of us; or those that ruin efficiency, and/or encourage victimization.

Here we go!

Okay, okay. But in any case, let us just remember, re-member, let us each put the various aspects of our full, mysterious, beautiful selves back together again, to become whole. The real work of the Aquarian Age is individual, each of us striving to become whole, to fill that yawning “hole” in our being that we thought had to come from someone or something outside — money, lover, material goods, status, etc.


Integrate, integrate.

Delve deep, inside.

Infinity awaits.

You’ll be glad you did.








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Ann Kreilkamp
Ph.D. 81

Rogue philosopher, astrologer, published author, conference presenter, world traveler, founder & editor of Crone Chronicles: A Journal of Conscious Aging (1989-2001) , and founding visionary of Green Acres Permaculture Village (2010 to present).

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