WHAT FUTURE, LIFE ON EARTH? Hell or Heaven? Mike Whitney (3D) vs Mathew Ward (5D)


Mike Whitney tells it like it is. .

Showdown in Ukraine. Hobbled US Turns to War to Preserve Its Waning Primacy


“Bottom line: The war in Ukraine is not about Ukraine. America’s clearly articulated strategic objectives are as follows: To weaken Russia, topple its leader, take control of its vast natural resources and move on to containing China. Simply put, Washington’s escalating aggression in Ukraine is a Hail Mary pass aimed at containing emerging centers of economic power in order to preserve its waning position in the global order.

“This is the geopolitical chess match that is being played behind the cover of “a war against Russia’s unprovoked aggression.” People should not be hoodwinked by that absurd deception. This war was concocted as a desperate attempt for the United States to defend its flickering global hegemony. That’s what Ukraine is really all about. It’s a clash between the warmongering western oligarchs who have a stranglehold on the US media and political establishment and the emerging economies that are using the market system to link their resources and manufactured goods to countries around the world through “high-speed” infrastructure and cooperative development.

“So, the question everyone must ask themselves is this: Do you want to see more economic integration, lower prices, more shared prosperity and less war or another 80 years of onerous and arbitrary sanctions, color-coded revolutions, regime change operations, genocidal interventions and bioweapon warfare (Covid-19)? Which do you want?”

BTW: Mike Whitney published An essay with the same title in 2014. That may be all we need to know.

Showdown in Ukraine

And yet. And yet. Remember, this entire, seemingly climactic, global drama focused on Ukraine is occurring in 3D, this dimension framed up so that both (or all) parties in any conflict operate under the assumption of SCARCITY, and as a result, F.E.A.R. (False Evidence Appearing Real) rules. Fear of not getting enough, fear of the other guy who wants to take what’s yours, fear of not surviving, fear then, ultimately, of death.

Remember, there are only two basic attitudes, two basic emotional responses to life (and death!): Fear, and Love.

Fear contracts. Love expands.

Drop the assumption of SCARCITY, realize that Nature (including Earth and the larger Cosmos) offers unlimited abundance, on every level, then Love expands as Fear recedes, the survival instinct satisfied. With this shift, from Scarcity to Abundance, Fear to Love, the seeming necessity for constant conflict goes away, as do zero sum arguments like the one above, which assumes that in any (3D) polarity, one side will win and the other will lose. Winner takes all.

A cooperative, multi-polar world, the one that is driving all but the former western hegemonic nations, to construct, in order to allow in infinite abundance, will have to move from 3D to 5D.



5D epistemology differs from that in 3D, in that “sources” are not limited to five-sense empirical “data.” Instead, in 5D and beyond, multidimensionality allows in all sorts of “sources,” which, just as with 3D, may or may not be worth following.

For many years I followed “Mathew’s Messages,” as given through the voice of his mother, Suzy Ward. Until, that is, I began to realize that Barack Obama is not a shining star. I don’t know if Mathew ever did retract his view of Obama, but since I did, I left Mathew behind.

Even so, once in a while lately, I admit Mathew in again, not to follow, but to consider (con-sider: to go with the stars). I offer his latest message, not in contrast to what I see as the masterly overview by Mike Whitney of current 3D conditions on Earth, but to help dissolve the 3D framework — or should I call it the “Overton Window?” — that traces back to the notion of Scarcity.

Matthew’s Message via Suzy Ward for March 1, 2023

That first paragraph continues . . .

“. . . are refusing to cooperate with the Illuminati’s efforts to bolster their fast-withering global tentacles.

“Deep State, the cabal, Shadow Government, One World Order and neo-Nazism are among other designations for this secret society, whose many disparate factions have the same diabolical ideology and goal, to control the world.

“They need low vibrations for their very survival, and they are lashing out at the growing opposition by creating fear however they can. They know this low-vibrational sensation is potent and contagious; the fear of one person reaches everyone nearby and they spread it wherever they go.

“But the peoples don’t know that and they don’t know their fears, which stem from scary old predictions put back in circulation or outright lies reported repeatedly by Illuminati-controlled mainstream media, are needless. None of the following dire-sounding information applies to Earth’s future.”


Mathew then gives a long list of dreaded predictions about the future that he claims, will NOT come true. Read this part for yourself. It’s very interesting and instructive!


Mathew’s message ends:

“Dear family, there is far, far more good on Earth than bad! Countless acts of kindness, generosity and assistance happen every minute of every day around the world. There is an immeasurable abundance of goodness on Earth, and your light is helping to keep it flowing and growing!

Light beings throughout this universe honor you for steadfastness in your mission and cheer you ever forward in your Earth journey.”

Okay, folks:

Call Mathew’s Message hopium if you want;

I call it the alternative future

we who mostly already live in 5D,

deliberately intend,

and have decidedly set in motion.



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