WHAT HAPPENS WHEN . . . Damn! Yet another meme thread.


What happens when anything is possible and you can’t trust anything?

(possible answers)

Mind wiped, you become an MK Ultra victim, primed for programming.


You resort to memes, rather than logic, or discursive thought, or data driven conclusions.


You could resort to poetry, but I’m no poet.


So memes it is, after only one day off. That’s how crazy, diverse, multifarious, fractionated, dissipated our “reality” has become, morphing into “only God (if there is a god) knows what.”

And BTW: I’ve noticed god-talk is accelerating, as if, in a world as utterly broken as ours seems to be, only Big Daddy in the sky can sooth our jangled nerves.

On the other hand, I’m no “atheist,” for I do feel with every fiber in me that the universe is shot through with the divine. All of us as tiny sparks of light within the Infinite Interwoven Mystery.

In other words, even this fractionated state we have entered, and which is accelerating at break-neck pace, is meaningful. Not that we understand it, or, as some would say now, “innerstand” it, but, as The Voice intoned nearly 50 years ago, during a particularly fractionated period in my own life, a time when I truly didn’t know, and wondered desperately, just who would stare back from the mirror that day . . .

So yes, one day I went into the bathroom to look in the mirror again when suddenly, The Voice:

Just keep going. Don’t get stuck.


Okay, so I’ll just keep going now, here, in late 2023, with a meme collection that has already accumulated since the day before yesterday. Notice that I don’t mention the Israel/Palestine situation. I wish I could. But it requires not just heartfelt empathy for all, but discursive thought, and mountains of historical research, back through the centuries, the millennia. It may be that the question, “who deserves to be living on a particular plot of land?” is the oldest question in the world. In a world of perceived scarcity that is. Especially when whoever is there now, or who wants to be there now, can point to his or her lineage, as indigenous.

Way too complicated for one such as myself to investigate. And then when you add the veneers of religion, race, and culture, not to mention various political tangles that weave their own greedy, deceptive, confusing narrative webs . . . oy vey! It’s simply too much. And yet it’s also just right. In fact, it may be that this particular “war” may go down in history as The Finale, the one where humanity learned that all justifications have assumptions, which, when challenged, invoke an infinite regress of assumptions. Except for, of course, the land, the land, the great good earth that we landed upon, or that ETs created us for, or hybridized us for, or, or, or . . .

Simply: it’s all too much for this nearly-81-year-old female. Thus, meme threads,  radiating meaning every which way without pretending to “prove” anything.

Only three themes today:



Can’t forget this, as we know it (or its cognate) will attempt a repeat, probably just in time for the 2024 election cycle to ramp up. Meanwhile, however:

And, now that the tables have turned:

Funny the silver linings of even the vilest of propaganda machines. For example, how many of us actually paid attention to childhood vaccines until covid came along?

I hear it’s up to 72 total doses now.

Speaking of how our practices abuse children, probably the most important theme that has disgorged itself from the bloated, secretive collective unconscious in the past year or two is child rape, trafficking, sacrifice, satanic ritual abuse, etc. If there is anything that might be capable of uniting humanity during this deeply polarized era, it’s how so very many have treated the world’s children as playthings for their vilest impulses. I’m not going to touch that theme here; it’s just too awful for meme contemplation.

Meanwhile, one thing’s for sure:


 WAKE UP!  . . . from WOKE/TRANS

His “qualifications”?



Learn how to “read” (supposed) events:

Cuz otherwise:








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