WHAT? In Defiance of New State Law, Bloomington City Council Votes to Allow “Gender-Affirming Health Care”

So here we go. The city council of this academic town has just pledged to support “gender-affirming healthcare,” up to and including surgical mutilation.

The two hold outs (both friends of mine), who wanted to wait and investigate further, apparently gave in to the furious insistence of the 18 trans activists who lined up to speak at the city council meeting.

Difficult living in a town that supports such a top-down evil agenda without knowing it’s evil, just wanting to support individuals, whoever they are. Which I totally understand, and can sympathize.

It’s the larger context that’s missing.

See my posts on Jennifer Bilek.

City council declares Bloomington a ‘safe haven’ for gender-affirming healthcare

At the meeting, there was one woman brave enough to speak up against it. I’ve got her phone number.

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