What remains when we strip the coming solar eclipse of the various (“good” and “bad”) contexts we pretend to situate it within?


The more I hear and see about the approaching solar eclipse, the more I recognize it as already hijacked, weaponized, to instill F.E.A.R. (False Evidence Appearing Real) within all sorts of different scenarios.

Which makes me not want to even comment on it. Which makes me just want to enjoy the 4 minutes and 2 seconds of totality, when it arrives, and then departs, knowing that during this holy time, all human eyes will be pointed briefly, in unity and in awe, to the Above, rather than obsessed by the usual, greedy, “movin’ stuff around” Below.

Forget all the nonsense “they” are going to pretend to surround it with in time and space, all the paranoid or thrilling linguistic and imagistic frameworks this rare, holy event itself is already being couched within.

For it’s like anything else these days. Clif High is right, all the old “authorities” are falling apart. And that includes frameworks, windows, ways of contextualizing any “fact” or collection of “facts” that we used to take for granted, without thinking, as if “of course”! “It’s obvious!”

The result: so-called facts or pretend facts or fake facts stretch out infinitely, tiny blinking dots expanding in all directions, with no agreed upon context to supply (and therefore limit) their “meaning.”

It does appear that we are leaving an old world behind. An old epistemological/ontological world. What lies ahead? Can a total solar eclipse in fiery Aries, first sign of the zodiac, conjunct wounded healer Chiron, experienced not just in the sky, but inside the soul of each human being, ignite the welcome unknown?


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